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Season 22 powered by saloon.tf


Week 3

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Goz (5-0 Blessings)



3 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]



3 - 1

[Screenshots: A ]

European 6 man salt vs Russia 5-0 Blessings
3 - 3

SteamID Screenshots: A


5-0 Blessings (6) Bank, morale, mttokki, Rex, erhany, Goz
6 man salt (6) TheMackey5, b0n3z, Palmer, SiTeHBu0mbb, Mae :3, Riot


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Thursday, 15 October 2015, 21:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. b0n3z said:

    Personal request to chandos and cough: Make sure to let us know how good of a game it was afterwards. Players that have previously played in high are definitely not frustrating to new open teams and using them shows true sportsmanship.

  3. GH0T1: ♣Lesk said:


  4. chando: ..d1ck - 800A said:

    I can assure you, we enjoy every match we play.

    1) only 1 player who has played higher than open is playing his main, furthermore he is mentoring us newer players to improve as a team and as ourselves. Other players who have played higher are off classing for the first time and should have the right to practise a whole new class. High medic does not mean he is a high roamer. If you consider us “sandbagging” keep in mind if we felt ready to go mid, we would have gone mid.

    2) I shouldn’t need to remind that your roster is not filled with open level players. Just a quick check shows some of your players have been in div 3/mid. Does this bother me? Of course not! There are a multitude of reasons why you pick someone as in our case. I accepted people based on their skill AND how nice a person they were.

    3) at the end of the day, we’re playing this to have a laugh with good company, regardless of their skill. If you can understand that my team has been a structured on friendship as well as performing as a team, then sportsmanship will be shown.

    Sorry for rant, I’m not having a go, I just think there’s been a misunderstanding about our roster and I’d rather clear it up with you.

    GL for the matches :)

  5. b0n3z said:

    1) If they have played 6s before on a high skill level they definitely have experience with the other classes as well. I agree they might not be on the same level as their main but they’re far from being anything that could be considered a beginner on the other classes. Ironically the other person playing their main is a demo which is arguably the most important class after medic.

    2) That is a laughable excuse, that is 1 (!) person and they played that div LITERALLY YEARS AGO which indicates that they have taken a break. While the ones in question on your team literally played high just the very last season.

    3) Oh boy I’d surely be having a blast too beating other teams with ease having 2 high players on my team carrying if things go wrong.

    You can tell me all about how it’s friendship and you’re playing to have fun but the point still stands that what you’re doing is abusing the broken system that is ETF2L where players can pull stuff like that. Needless to say you’re spoiling our fun in the process and before the game has even started.

  6. Chopp said:

    5-0 B L E S S I N G S B O I S

  7. chando: ..d1ck - 800A said:

    Im not going to go back and forth on this point, I’ve explained everything on here and to your team leader. If you don’t believe or want to hear what I’m saying then so be it, it makes it very clear who’s got the poor sportsmanship. I’ll just leave you with this:

    “if we felt ready to go mid, we would have gone mid.”

  8. b0n3z said:

    “If you don’t believe or want to hear what I’m saying then so be it”

    I literally responded to every single point you’ve made besides the one you quoted. But I’ll go into it anyways:

    “if we felt ready to go mid, we would have gone mid.”

    I doesn’t really matter how you feel, the point still stands that there are 2 players on your team playing in a much lower division than intended for them, you don’t lose your entire skill in the time difference between 2 seasons.

  9. morale: ez said:

    Can we stop the salt please and play the game and just enjoy ourselves its only a game just have fun

  10. Rex said:

    You haven’t even played yet. =/

  11. Chopp said:

    live at twitch.tv/ChoppyChopp

  12. Palmer said:

    Ignore the incoming comments form my teammates.

  13. Riot: {VM} said:

    nice game boys

    very cool players :)

  14. SiTeHBu0mbb: DOWN said:


  15. b0n3z said:

    Good game, I clearly won the argument.

  16. chando: ..d1ck - 800A said:

    gg, watched the Stv. I hope this shows you that we aren’t sandbaggers, and those thought be carrying played at the same level as everyone imvolved. Close match… Best of luck in the season:)

  17. Riot: {VM} said:


    might report you for this :))))

  18. chando: ..d1ck - 800A said:

    Report someone for broadcasting an STV? Lol ok

  19. Riot: {VM} said:

    HAHHAHAHA ur mad funny

  20. SiTeHBu0mbb: DOWN said:

    PJSALT (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
    (I think it was all fun and just enjoy banter, the worse the better)

  21. WML said:

    Drama Drama

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