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Season 19 powered by Tt eSPORTS

Division 6J

Week 2

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Royal Flush (TEZC | Souder Society)



2 - 3 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A B ]



2 - 1

[Screenshots: A ]

European TEZC | Souder Society vs European Epsilon WiiSports
4 - 2

SteamID Screenshots: A B


TEZC | Souder Society (4) cake, Little Mickey, prof, Royal Flush
Epsilon WiiSports (6) TeaKay, Koppa, Vornami, Asec, nachodog1661256, Freddy
Unrostered (2) figoravn, Divi



  1. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Tuesday, 07 October 2014, 20:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  2. Royal Flush: A Dillion - beans said:

    Royal Flush: got real desperate and had to bury through my friendlist
    Royal Flush: the offclassing will be real
    Royal Flush: feel free to send the server details while i get the mercs details
    Royal Flush: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/76141/
    Royal Flush: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/78168/

  3. Royal Flush: A Dillion - beans said:

    gg, was a great game :D

  4. TeaKay: BoyBrigade - -chess- said:

    Results verified and yeah it was a really good game :)

  5. MARKO: PANZER - buud$cult said:

    gg <:

  6. JohnnyBambo: #T4F said:

    Dear teams, a score of 2-2 is not possible according to our rules.

    In case of a draw you have to play a golden cap round.

    4.1.3 Golden Cap: Decider round in case of a draw

    If the score is tied after the timelimit has been reached, a decider round (golden cap) will have to be played. The golden cap will be played with winlimit 1 and timelimit 0. The winner of a map that ended with a golden cap round gets 2 points, the loser gets 1 point.

    This match will not be verified until you play the golden cap round. If you played the gc round please contact an admin to change the scores.

  7. Royal Flush: A Dillion - beans said:

    will be played as soon as possible

  8. yak: VNC said:


  9. Royal Flush: A Dillion - beans said:

    Royal Flush: for the golden cap, is next tuesday fine?
    Royal Flush: unfortunately the weekend isnt good for our team
    Royal Flush: any weekday is though

  10. Royal Flush: A Dillion - beans said:

    haha, it cut some of the messge:

  11. ETF2L Staff said:

    3.3 Scheduled Matches can only be postponed by using a Wildcard

    Once a game is scheduled and entered in the Calendar, it can only be postponed beyond the match deadline if one team uses a Wildcard. Both teams will receive a warning for any match unplayed after its match deadline.

    No GC round was submitted before the match result deadline,as such both teams receive a minor warning.
    This match will not be verified if you dont play the golden cap round which means that no teams will receive a single point.

  12. Royal Flush: A Dillion - beans said:

    i love how etf2l consistantly cuts my copy and paste :D


    -their merc for tonight’s golden cap

  13. Royal Flush: A Dillion - beans said:


  14. TeaKay: BoyBrigade - -chess- said:

    Used a 2nd merc http://etf2l.org/forum/user/91884/


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