Attention Premiership Highlander Teams: koth_lakeside_r2 has been changed to koth_lakeside_f2. please use this version of the map instead for your Scrims & Officials.

Highlander Season 6 powered by Tt eSPORTS

Division 5B

Week 1

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by crazycalumrock (Tea-Mates)



2 - 1 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A B C ]



2 - 1 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A B ]

European Tea-Mates vs European SERIOUS BUSINESS
4 - 2

SteamID Screenshots: A


SERIOUS BUSINESS (9) Solid, misiek, traxx, tomi, zinneR, Zarker, Enjoy, DCTR, Vlad
Tea-Mates (8) Diet Cans, Mero, Stavoh, AdamB, Divi, crazycalumrock, Tails8521, Sir!
Unrostered (1) madfox


  1. counter4561: JaR said:

    What date can you guys play on? We can do 19-21 CET and can’t do Fridays.

  2. counter4561: JaR said:

    Match scheduled for Saturday 15th March 20:00 CET

  3. counter4561: JaR said:

    21:34 – crazycalumrock: we might need a demo merc
    21:34 – crazycalumrock: if we do 21
    21:35 – Enjoy: profile
    21:35 – Enjoy: give me merc profile
    21:35 – crazycalumrock: 1 min, i don’t know if he definitely can but i’ll give you link
    21:36 – Enjoy: ok
    21:37 – Enjoy: akcept time on etf2l
    21:37 – crazycalumrock: Alright
    21:38 – crazycalumrock: http://steamcommunity.com/id/MadFoxSwe/
    21:38 – crazycalumrock: Don’t let his hours fool you, not that great of a demo
    21:38 – crazycalumrock: Our steel ugc team all around sub
    21:39 – Enjoy: I know
    21:38 – crazycalumrock: (plays div 6 heavy)
    21:39 – crazycalumrock: As long as you accept we would be able to
    21:39 – Enjoy: etf2l profile please
    21:39 – crazycalumrock: sure
    21:39 – crazycalumrock: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/76221/
    21:40 – Enjoy: ok he is fine
    21:40 – crazycalumrock: sweet, I’ll put that in the match comms
    21:40 – crazycalumrock: 21:00 is fine :)
    21:40 – crazycalumrock: although I warn you, we fucking hate this map :DDDD

  4. msk said:

    i got 72 cancers

  5. zinneR: WPIERDOL - █▀█ █▄█▀█▀ said:

    72^10 cancers and my mózg is broken

  6. ash: (Legend) - :D said:

    Dear teams, please submit a status screenshot!

    You can do so at http://etf2l.org/wp-admin/index.php?page=add_screen

  7. Spade said:

    how could it be 5-1? I thought the only possible results would be 6-0 and 4-2 if it was golden cap

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