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Season 17 powered by Tt eSPORTS

Division 3C

Week 1

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by JackyLegs (Foreskings)



5 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]



3 - 2

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Israel Foreskings vs Finland Voitolla Yöhön
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


Voitolla Yöhön (6) Hisoka, jwso, Limp., Konna, arD, BAITO
Foreskings (6) Zangetsu, Spary, JackyLegs, wackey, Shulqiple, OldSpic3


  • Foreskings [Minor] Special kind of rule break (1st time) - see match comment for explanation


  1. JackyLegs: 4SKINGS - SDCK! said:

    gg folks

  2. JackyLegs: 4SKINGS - SDCK! said:

    gl in rest of season

  3. Limp.: EPA said:


  4. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    Thanks for posting logs twice jacky, and doing that when losing. It´s nice if you are good at tf2, but I don´t know how you dare writing “gg folks” after that. And I don´t believe you really would say gg, face to face after that.

  5. kronis: NASA - hi im dog said:

    Lol – its not allowed.

  6. BraveHeart: GOALstar said:

    well, i’ve seen the game, i dont think that even if he wouldnt do it u would win.
    i had familiar problem last season, and the admins will probably give u a round .
    so its gonna be 3-2 which doesnt change that…. gg guys gl @rest of the season

  7. JackyLegs: 4SKINGS - SDCK! said:

    Well I dared writing “gg folks” cus thats what really happened.
    We shat on you on granary, ok that was a big gg by us.
    We played like trolls half the match on gully, still shat on you.
    One little thing that I did, couldn’t have really changed the fact that we’d shat on you, you think it did? here, take the round, we honestly don’t mind, we know that it didn’t change the fact we destroyed you guys.
    You think that made such a difference that you lost the map? you had [b]10 Minutes[/b] to make atleast one round to tie it up, yet we still smoked you on.
    Somehow, somewhy, you’d always try and go for a default win instead of admitting who the better team is.
    Maito, please, instead being a douche every season, one season be a man, and admit who the better team is, I’ve waited 2 season to shit on your face after folding my team, and here I did it, nobody will take that away from me.

  8. Jwso: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    Funny Troll Meme Sniper

  9. Hisoka said:

    Grana, sure. But id hardly call fucking around for 15 minutes and then using an exploit to turn the tide of the match shitting on anyone. I don’t know what would have happened if you didn’t, and i don’t really care that much. But that was just bad mannered.

  10. ScrollLock. said:

    Fuck you Konna I wish admins will ban u for antisemitism FUCK U

  11. Shulqiple: 4SKINGS said:

    I honestly don’t want to comment on this because I agree with Voitolla Yöhön about the exploit and I was really mad about it, but what bothers me is the behavior of both sides.
    Would you mind not to act like kids? stop throwing offensive words at each other because of ones religion or ones personal reason(s) that somehow ends up connecting with the other person.
    Same goes to anyone else that is not a part of this.

  12. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    +1 to shulqiple and I can tell truth that we are Bad in grana and Never learn to play it, but gullywash was 1-1, we had momentum up and we got you down more than few times. Then, jackylegs understands he is the bottomscore uselles guy and does that to get back in the Game. We stopped Playing totally after u did it and gave you all the free wins/rounds which you didn’t deserve. We just were confused thinking why jacky would use hacks in official, u rly are that stupid? Rest of your team played well tho, and I don’t blame them on anything.

  13. Limp.: EPA said:

    You say it made no difference? when it won you a map you would have othewise lost.
    Granarry is irrelevant here btw.

    1. It was 1-1.
    2. After that we were confused, mad and lost our focus, which is our own fault to get shit like this to us yes.
    3. After that it was 2-1 and 8 minutes time.
    4. We were behind now and had to take unnecessary risks and play more aggressivly than we would ever done in tied or leading position.
    5. Only reason you won a 3rd round was beacause we HAD TO took this risks we shouldnt have needed to take in first place cost us it.
    6. The last round was just fucking joke in that point because there was no time to tie up anyway.

    So propably they change it to 1 round more to us but thats just bullshit, because they would have NEVER won 2 extrarounds if we would have been 1-1 or 1-2 lead or so. It is 100% retarded to say oh they won 1-4 any way, they would have never won more than 1 round if they wouldn have cheated and used exploit and its a fact. And if you argue agains this FACT you are just dumdum and know nothing about this game called tf2.

    Fair would play a remach beacous that bullsit was exactly turing point of a game and had EVERYTHING to do why they would ever win.


  14. wackey: 4SKINGS said:

    “they would have never won more than 1 round if they wouldn have cheated and used exploit and its a fact” Why not ? gran was 5-0

  15. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    Wackey do you have problems with reading? Nobody of us gives a shit about that grana there, We are talking about gully here. But the fact you won grana stands. I don’t still see why would you have won the gully without breaking the rules.

  16. Limp.: EPA said:

    Granarry is irrelevant here btw.
    Granarry is irrelevant here btw.
    Granarry is irrelevant here btw.
    Granarry is irrelevant here btw.
    Granarry is irrelevant here btw.
    Granarry is irrelevant here btw.

  17. Zangetsu: 4SKINGS said:

    this bug is well known,every shitter can do this bug
    stop whining,your position was bad and not our “exploit”

  18. Zangetsu: 4SKINGS said:

    oh and lets not mention the fact that Konna is racist,lol
    they should expel you just for that

  19. Limp.: EPA said:

    I didn’t know about it, Sorry I don’t have time to find and look for exploits like a nerd just so I can rely on them when I can’t win fair play.

    Hey every shitter can download an aim bot why don’t we just do that??? NOT OUR “CHEAT”

    Bitch fucking please… Head. Take it out. Of ass please.

  20. Limp.: EPA said:

    And please don’t act princess and draw all that racist bullshit here ” oh I’m jewish and everyone hates me because qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq” grow balls, you are reason why racism excist by acting like that. Primadonnas jeezzzzz

  21. rarecandy said:

    6.1 Bug-Using is not allowed

    Any kind of “Bug-Using” is not allowed. Player using bugs will be punished. If you are unsure about the legality of any sneaky spot on a map, please contact an admin to clarify the situation and prevent complaints from your opponent.

  22. BraveHeart: GOALstar said:

    its good to know that some pp still have the stereotype about jew pp,
    “Jews only gold shine in the eyes trying to win d3 26EUR prize with their big noses and using map abuse.”
    well , the map creator know about this and he didnt fix it its final1 which is a official map of tf2
    u cannot argue with that, even if he would do it it doesnt change the fact the u lost another 2 rounds. just stop it, the “jews” won this time…

  23. dizerRR said:

    konna i think u mad

  24. Zangetsu: 4SKINGS said:

    you really do not deserve a rematch
    if you do,we would still win
    i really dont understand how etf2l admins put you in div 3

  25. Limp.: EPA said:

    BraveHearts you don’t clearly have any undersanding about TF2 so please don’t bother saying anything.

  26. Limp.: EPA said:

    Rematch of the map is waht we at least would deserver.
    Infact we would deserve to play last 10mintues again us having 2-1 lead to be honest, but just rematch would do fine.

  27. BraveHeart: GOALstar said:

    Limp just stop, u r embarrassing urself

  28. Zangetsu: 4SKINGS said:

    again,you do not deserve a rematch just because you said:”after jacky exploited the bug,we stopped playing seriously and we gave you free rounds/win”

    that taunt kill which you call it as a bug is the same as the sticky trap in the banana window

  29. wackey: 4SKINGS said:

    well Limp how can u say that ? He’s playing at higher div than u x)

  30. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:


    You are the most retarded guy in the community, congrats for winning the award

  31. BraveHeart: GOALstar said:

    i havent seen such retarded pp who ddont knoww how to lose, i do agree with u that it destroys ur push but u didnt win another single round so how u even should get the 2-1 lead. also in youtube u can actually see jackylegs there and u can hit him aswell u just steppped to him

  32. BraveHeart: GOALstar said:

    oh yea , Superkovisjengi Maito T.T

  33. Limp.: EPA said:

    No if you read my second comment(the long one) you see exactly what I’m saying. Please ask someone to translate to you if your reading comprehension skills are lacking or english in general.

    It’s an exploit/bug killing people through a solid floor/ceiling and also as statead above:
    “6.1 Bug-Using is not allowed

    Any kind of “Bug-Using” is not allowed.”

    Killing trough floors,walls have never been allowed before either i.e. gpit A-point stickys

  34. BraveHeart: GOALstar said:

    last season i faced imaginary gaming which abused a bug aswell, the uber % save while changing hat through spawns, the admins didnt say anything about that believe me i know how u feel and the answer of the admins was: only if the other team agreed to do a rematch. so im just sayin that i dont think the admins will force a rematch. u dont have to be so rude u can talk normally , i didnt say anythingg wrong till u actually become so retarded

  35. JackyLegs: 4SKINGS - SDCK! said:

    The level that “Voitolla Yöhön” have gone to, is just sad.
    You guys are going to far with this video game, when Maitomies did what he did to me 2 seasons ago, I took it like a man, knew that one day, justice will prevail here, you guys are taking it too far thinking you could have actually won just because of one small thing.
    I thought that I could’ve beaten Maito’s team back on Season 15, and even asked for a re-match to make things right, I never got my re-match, and I refuse to give you a re-match, not just because of Maito’s behavior, not just because of Konna’s racism and flaming, which yes, that is racism and you should never get to that level, but because of the fact that we are the better team, and both of us know that.

    Things like:
    “Jews only gold shine in the eyes trying to win d3 26EUR prize with their big noses and using map abuse” – Konna
    “Then, jackylegs understands he is the bottomscore uselles guy and does that to get back in the Game. ” – Maito
    “Sorry I don’t have time to find and look for exploits like a nerd just so I can rely on them when I can’t win fair play.” – Limp

    Are sad, just purely sad.

    No, I don’t care if admins give you a round, I don’t mind it, nothing changes the fact we won.
    You played seriously after that round, yet we still beat you, that small thing happens, either from an exploit, either from a roaming bombing, either from whatever, things like this happen, you guys making excuses like “It confused us” or whatever, I really don’t see that as why you’d won the game.
    I’d want you guys to understand the situation, face the facts, we smoked you on gran (and yes, its very relavent, that’s irrelevant if your team is just a “one-team-map”), we smoked you on gully, imbrace it.
    I didn’t hack, cheat, or did anything that might have been illeagl to me before (and even after the match), it’s in the map, maybe it isn’t legit, but face the fact that it’s there.

    You guys didn’t give me a rematch, why would I give you one? what Maito did to me is unforgiven, and will not be forgiven aswell, I destroyed you Maito, proved to you once and for all, who’s the bigger, better man.

    Now it’s in the admins hands, verify the results or I will contact an admin to do so, leave it alone, you want me punished for doing something I never knew was illeagal?, sorry, if it is illeagal then it is my fault, neither have you known it was and neither do I know.

    You guys should keep it civil, no matter what I did, it’s not worth the amount of “compliments” we are getting.


  36. Limp.: EPA said:

    Sigh… refuse to understand then.

    And wacky, just shows you how much your game IQ and div goes in relation, it’s like your color of your eyes affect your ability to hear more than it.

  37. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    I hope everybody in the full etf2l community have been reading these shitchats here. One of the funniest things that can happen if u just need to just play an official :-D

    But ye, better keep the racism and other shit away from this, I don´t even get it why konna is writing something like that, might be just mad since he died to very noobish cheating shits. Hacking in etf2l match is srs bsns. And yes, rematch is not needed, I would call a default win for gully, congratz for playing well in granary tho!
    We can pcw u anyday for sure again if we have time, but etf2l points and the golden 26e prize aren´t that important to us that we would need to rematch this. Let´s see what admins do with it. It is very sad tho tbh if everyteam in every gully official can do that trick for free and win their games with it.

    ps. stop crying about the s15 shits, u were an idiot and didn´t take mercenaries or wildcard when it was possible, u just didn´t want to play and that is not my fault at all.

    rules are rules, keep it cool.

  38. Jwso: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    – Season 15 And Personal Grudges Really Do Not Matter Here
    – “i really dont understand how etf2l admins put you in div 3” (´・ω・`)
    – Uses Suicide Taunt To Kill The Medic Through The Floor, Doesn’t Even Die From The Taunt -> Totally Not An Exploit That Was So Gay It Made Us Lose Rounds Because It Was So Gay

  39. JackyLegs: 4SKINGS - SDCK! said:

    Listen, if you guys are so serious about this making the huge difference between losing and winning, then if admins allow it, we’d re-match, I really didn’t want to do this, but for the love of science, I can’t take this anymore, It’s either we schedule another re-match, or you guys take that round off of us.
    Now the big question is, if Maito (after he removed me) would have the balls enough to rematch us, were aren’t afraid of it, we’d wreck you guys even harder than we did, it’s the admins call at this point.
    And if admins give it a go, it’d be your decision, I see everyone in the team (except for Maitomies, again saying “he doesn’t care about points” yet still wants a default win, so scared of us actaully destroying him again) wants a re-match, none of my teamates are against it, and they’re telling me to do so, so sure, you guys want to do that?

    If you don’t then admins will decide what will happen.

  40. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    For the record:

    well , the map creator know about this and he didnt fix it its final1 which is a official map of tf2
    u cannot argue with that, even if he would do it it doesnt change the fact the u lost another 2 rounds. just stop it, the “jews” won this time…

    ETF2L doesn’t give a flying fuck whether the map creator left it in or not. It’s an exploit, simple as.

  41. JackyLegs: 4SKINGS - SDCK! said:

    For the record, I have read the ETF2L rules so many times that never have I saw it’s illeagal, if I would have known it was illeagal, never in my entire life would I have thought about doing this in an official, ever.

    Too bad there isn’t a section for map exploits, bug using is so general that I once I read the rules to make sure it’s legal, I was happy since I saw nothing nearly close to it.

  42. arD: -[S2L] said:

    Didn’t look that carefully?

    6.1 Bug-Using is not allowed

    Any kind of “Bug-Using” is not allowed. Player using bugs will be punished. If you are unsure about the legality of any sneaky spot on a map, please contact an admin to clarify the situation and prevent complaints from your opponent.

  43. Dennia: FAINT said:


  44. JackyLegs: 4SKINGS - SDCK! said:

    I really hoped you guys could read what I wrote, but just ignore it I suppose.
    Let me show you:

    “Too bad there isn’t a section for map exploits, bug using is so general that I once I read the rules to make sure it’s legal, I was happy since I saw nothing nearly close to it.”

    Read that, slowly, if you still don’t get it, go to google translate, hopefully it’ll be more easy to understand it.

    Arde, if you’re looking here for any reason, I know Maito will always take a default win for map rather than actually playing vs us again, but try and understand I was never aware that it was illeagal, none of you said so in-game once it happened, now did you?, all you said was “:DDD” “gg”, that’s all, you weren’t aware of it as much as I wasn’t.
    I agree that the most reasonable thing to do here is a replay of gullywash, you deserve it, and we defenitly deserve it, but I just hope you guys got the balls to play against us again, if you were so sure you could have beaten us, how about you prove it instead of running out of it?

    As much as Maito is a huge cunt, I do believe that you guys would be the ones who could put some sense into him, as Limp said that you deserve a rematch, I agree, you do desrve one, but at the same scores, 1-1, to see who really is better than each other, rather than winning in the wrong way and going for the def win.


  45. ondkaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    18:05 – BaR: everyone will hate jews again
    18:05 – BaR: its like world war 2 all over again

  46. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    Jacky, I told you about the abuse in the game in steam chat, u answered after the match. I have linked all the steamchatlogs already to an admin yesterday right after the match before you even started to shout here about anything. And TBH, You have talked so much shit and especially shittalked me, every of your noobish lies and your crying to me in steam have made me to say this right here and now>>>YOU ARE NOT A GOD OF THE COMMUNITY AND YOU DON´T DESERVE ANYTHING FROM US FOR BEING A DICK FOREVER!!!!!!!

    And I Am not the only one who would shout that to you^^ It´s your fault that people hate you.

  47. tonmas: sirkkels - BauS said:

    voi repes

  48. wackey: 4SKINGS said:

    Well you wanted it fair so lets just rematch …

  49. JackyLegs: 4SKINGS - SDCK! said:

    People hate me? because of what?
    You told me about “the abuse” you are so calling after the match, what can I do then? nothing, not give you a round, not give you anything.
    Good thing you linked them all, since I honestly said nothing wrong to you, I never shittalked anyone, only said the truth, if the truth is were better and we’d wreck you, that’s that, what can you do about it? don’t like it? deal with it.

    I never said I’m a god of this community, the amount of things you have done to me throught the past year, can never be forgiven and can only show how much I hate you personally, and now, more people aswell.

    Now, since I’m not aware of my “noobish lies and your crying to me in steam”, how about you tell me some that I’ve done? so we can all read what you’ve got in-store for me.

    I can even show logs, demo, everything proving you never said anything about this being banned/wrong, so we could’ve fixed it there and done it before this thing happened, another lie (or perhaps really shitty English) that you’ve said here.

    Shittalks are a part of the game, wether you like it or not, once shittalks are proven right, it isn’t shittalk anymore, it’s the truth.

    Once your team gets to a level of racism over a game you clearly would have lost, and get mad and see an opening to grab a slimey win, since that’s what you do best huh maito?

    Telling me I was grown up a couple days before the match, now you’re telling me all this?, you’re really two sideded, and I’m glad I didn’t say the same that you’ve grown up aswell, since it’s the truth, you haven’t.

    Yes I did it, yes I didn’t know it wasn’t allowed, and even your team proposed a rematch and I didn’t want to do so since I was so upset with your behavior that I didn’t want it to happen, after pressure from my team to do the right thing, I caved and decided to to a re-match, but now, well, as Maitomies is as he always was, a default winning idiot, which all I can say, and will again, and don’t ignore it:

    Do you have the balls to prove you’re the better team in terms of TF2 skills and not act like you did 2 seasons ago?

    I am so done with this guy, he made me actually rage FOR WINNING BOTH MAPS, absolutely WRECKING his team and having a blast about it aswell, you think thats what made you lose the map?

    Prove it, you talk so much yet you can’t prove it in-game, so show ETF2L, us and yourself who’s the bigger man here, and play versus us, in a re-match, but this time, I might still have faith since some of your teamates actually want a re-match.

  50. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    jackylegs ….

  51. Limp.: EPA said:

    Just wait what admins decide.

    Also if you Konnas comments racist you should discuss with him personaly rather than throwing it all on “whole team”, as hes individual and theres no way I or anyone else can controll if one decides to go there. But I believe he already recieved a ban for his words if it comforts you anyway.

    Also I personally don’t know what is your and Maitos history nor I really care, but seems like you lovers should have some kind of intimate relationship therapy session or at least talk, doesn’t seem healty.

    I’m just voicing my point of view of this one map and this map only. And I’m glad you finally start to understand some of the points I tried to get trough. Peace out.

  52. Limp.: EPA said:

    If you FIND* konnas comments..*

  53. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    -racismproblem solved: Konna got already banned from everywhere he could write in this etf2l site.
    -You seem to be a god here, but for reals you are the worst leader I have ever seen, and the only one I have got problems to schedule match with, even on s15, everybody else could easily play the matches with us, but u had a problem make your team play.
    -Stop asking a rematch from us, You don´t absoletly deserve anything if you can´t play with the league rules and just be a normal player/leader.
    -Only wrecked thing and a cunt here is you.
    -You have proven enough for everyone of us here
    -Stop this yelling now and go outside, away from your computer, you will just get in problems here in the wild world of internet.

    ps. -You are the worst lier and cheater EU

  54. Limp.: EPA said:

    Maito plis …

  55. Shulqiple: 4SKINGS said:

    Would you any of you mind to wait for an admin and not add more things to this silly thing?

  56. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    limpyh :-D. shulqiple I get your point ,but it´s hard to stop once you start it :P

  57. JackyLegs: 4SKINGS - SDCK! said:

    I’m done talking before things get out of hand.
    All I can say here, in the end is gg, thank you for playing vs us.
    Let the admins do their job now, arguing with you is pointless.

  58. Shulqiple: 4SKINGS said:

    Pretty much the same answer from the other side.
    I give up then.

  59. jackkai: 8D said:

    fags should lose the map no lie.

  60. Phnx: L_? said:

    ondkaja made me laugh so hard.

  61. gouldie said:

    dont argue with jews they will just pull out the racism card

  62. deljin ♪: 4SKINGS said:

    why iz finn peoples hate juice so alot

  63. lazy said:

    the faggorty level on this page is mind boggling

  64. wwww: ISIS - Panopticon said:

    definetly this is bug use. Should be def win or replay whole match.

  65. Zangetsu: 4SKINGS said:

    replay the whole match?just because of the first round? top lel
    please go back and mind your own bussiness,we dont need more shitters

  66. Spary said:

    Honestly I think it was very wrong to use that exploit, I didn’t even know it was possible.

    Jackylegs shouldn’t have made so much drama out of this discussion, and some of the comments were out of line.

    Imo there should be a rematch if you insist.

  67. Cuttlefish: 6v6 said:

    Def win? He didn’t know it wasn’t allowed, def win seems a bit much.

  68. wwww: ISIS - Panopticon said:

    * I mean they should receive def win for this game , and only i you apologise to them and ask them very nicely and they will give you chance to replay this whole match.And keep your BM to yourself please.

  69. xzr said:

    ITT: div3 shitters b mad

  70. Enef: fest - #wubafan said:

    I’ve never seen more essays written that i cared less about.

  71. kronis: NASA - hi im dog said:

    “18:05 – BaR: everyone will hate jews again
    18:05 – BaR: its like world war 2 all over again”

    Did people actually stop hating the jews?

  72. kronis: NASA - hi im dog said:

    AND ITS NOT RACISMS WHEN YOU TALK SHIT ABOUT JEWS OR HIT THEM. FFS. It’s antisemitism. You should read more.

  73. Zangetsu: 4SKINGS said:

    antisemitism is not racism?
    what are you,12?

  74. Jwso: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    i honestly personally just want a fair rematch for gullywash but i guess nobody else cares about playing the actual game ! !

  75. JackyLegs: 4SKINGS - SDCK! said:

    We do, but we have to wait for the admins decision right now, and if you guys are up for a rematch, then a rematch will be, it’s in your hands.

  76. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    After reading all this twice here, I will say no and no, no matter what anyone else would say.

  77. JackyLegs: 4SKINGS - SDCK! said:

    As I said, Maito “Default Win”, won’t do that, so we’d have to wait and see what will happen from the admins ;).

    Useless to talk to a dude who clearly is afraid of playing vs us and losing again, unlike your team, which they want to prove it the right way, you’re a real pussy here being afraid of playing vs us.

    In the admins hands now.

  78. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    I am more likely just confused how you are still talking like we would have some kind of peace here after what you have done :DD

  79. ondkaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    Cuttlefish, not knowing the rules is not an excuse or a reason for lesser punishment. In this case it’s completely fucking obvious that this is an outright exploitation of the equalizer taunt bug, and it is fairly probable that it had an outcome on the result of the map. As such, a default win on Gullywash with the option to rematch if both teams agree is the way to go, with a minor warning given to the Finns for racism/flaming.

  80. ETF2L Staff said:

    Dear teams,
    Team Israel Apartheid State of Zion used an exploit on cp_gullywash. Therefore they receive a minor warning and the round in question is defaulted. The score is changed to a 3-2 (was a 4-1) for Israel Apartheid State of Zion.
    If you want to replay gullywash (both teams need to agree), please contact an admin to remove the results.

    If you have questions regarding this, you can contact an admin on IRC.

  81. Limp.: EPA said:

    Just retarded oh well…

  82. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    Use aimbot>>>>>>enemy team get´s default, break other rules to win the game, almost same with aimbot, but nothing happens instead of the default there :D

  83. Phnx: L_? said:

    he used “aimbot” for one round if I am not mistaken.
    if he used the exploit every round it would probably be default win for the enemy team, but he didn’t.
    but yeah the fact that the exploit was used in an official is just sad to begin with.

  84. Shulqiple: 4SKINGS said:

    You can’t compare a third party software to an in-game bug, that’s just silly.

  85. wackey: 4SKINGS said:

    break other rules to win the game

    We won 1 round not the game

  86. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:

    Miato, I don’t know if you’re serious with that comment, but in case you are: aimbots are blatant cheats, and as per rules those are punished severely hard.
    A one time map/taunt exploit that has only affected 2 lives in one round is vastly different from that.

    If you’re confident that your opponents used cheats, don’t accuse them on the match page but instead follow our help section and contact a member of the AC team with the evidence / accusations you’ve collected.

    In the end I see a lot of trash talking from the Israeli team, which probably means they’re not afraid of a rematch on Gullywash!

  87. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    Ye gully for sure but no grana ever
    I don´t think tho they are ready to lose dat 26eurprize :-D

  88. Andrew said:

    well that was an interesting read

  89. wackey: 4SKINGS said:

    “After reading all this twice here, I will say no and no, no matter what anyone else would say.”
    “I don´t think tho they are ready to lose dat 26eurprize :-D”


  90. wackey: 4SKINGS said:

    “After reading all this twice here, I will say no and no, no matter what anyone else would say.”
    “I don´t think tho they are ready to lose dat 26eurprize :-D”

  91. BraveHeart: GOALstar said:

    jackylegs:”( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)”

  92. Zangetsu: 4SKINGS said:

    phoenix,go back to your div 6 team and stay there instead of minding other people bussiness

  93. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:

    Ye gully for sure but no grana ever
    I don´t think tho they are ready to lose dat 26eurprize :-D

    We actually haven’t received any complaint for abuse on granary, can you tell me which tick I have to look for?

  94. wackey: 4SKINGS said:

    Abuse on gran wut ?

  95. phy- said:

    Holy fuck div3 drama

  96. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    Nononono, I am not complaining about anything in granary, fair played map. I just meant that we can rematch gully if we must ,but never gonna play granary again plz :D

  97. Limp.: EPA said:

    Thing why it’s retarded is the 4th round (which no was winning round) was played as they would had 3-1 lead 2min left so we had to go all out aggressive, which never would happened 2-2 and it would be at least forced to golden cap.

    Had we paused game contact admin mid game they would just say play and talk about it after game.
    In the end: swap 1round after..
    Yet the whole nature of how last rounds were played would have been TOTALY different and can’t be simply just say what ever 4-1 -> 3-2

    Shows how fucking amazing even admins understand how the game is played..

    But yhe ETF2L officiaiting man.. It is what it is.

    Oh well, it’s not always fair, have to live with it then.

  98. Punkka said:

    Lähtikö pojat voitolla yöhön? :-D

  99. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    Punkka ei ois pitänyt meidän lähtä defaultilla yöhön s15 xD

  100. SL1M said:

    10/10 would read again

  101. toogyboogy: (ETF2L Donator) - SOFT - bobs said:

    this is gold

  102. Phnx: L_? said:

    zangetsu:”Play the game to have fun not to jump divs”
    “go back to your div 6 team”
    someone is quite mad, your old team got raped in div 5.
    pretty much same skill level, besides the fact that we are gonna probably take 3rd-1st place.

  103. Zangetsu: 4SKINGS said:

    phoenix,go back to train some more in mge and ask for crosshairs
    maybe one day god will grant you the wisdom and skills to pass div 5

    and btw-its easy to lose d5 when your pocket deals 5k dmg

  104. Andreas: ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ. - DANMARK said:

    +1 ^

  105. Switch: soL. - T⑨ said:




  106. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    Hmm, delicious, thanks for the funny everyone, was glorious.

  107. Phnx: L_? said:

    didn’t you say the same thing about me not getting to div 5?
    now not passing div 5, kk let’s see what happens next season.

  108. Konna: drops said:

    im back

  109. konr said:

    Jacklegs being a retard once again

  110. wackey: 4SKINGS said:


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