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Season 15 powered by BlackOut Gaming

Division 6A

Week 1

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Davidera (DropFix)

This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.



5 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]



5 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]

Italy DropFix vs European Not Obviously Hatless
6 - 0


  • DropFix [Minor] Missing, wrong or incomplete status screenshot
  • Not Obviously Hatless [Minor] Missing, wrong or incomplete status screenshot


  • Map 2 (cp_badlands): Source TV [Pruned] by Davidera (76 Downloads)
  • Map 1 (cp_gullywash_final1): Source TV [Pruned] by Davidera (55 Downloads)


  1. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Sunday, 05 May 2013, 20:30
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  2. cirlo: cirlo said:

    please, anwer our request to posticipate the match

  3. Davidera said:

    19:15 – {NoH} Condawg: we have a match tonight
    19:15 – {NoH} Condawg: official
    19:15 – DF Davidera # alle 8p.m su mumbl: yep
    19:15 – {NoH} Condawg: our server or yours?
    19:16 – DF Davidera # alle 8p.m su mumbl: our server it’s good
    19:16 – DF Davidera # alle 8p.m su mumbl: 1 thing
    19:16 – DF Davidera # alle 8p.m su mumbl: our scout is unavaible
    19:16 – DF Davidera # alle 8p.m su mumbl: can we use a merc
    19:16 – DF Davidera # alle 8p.m su mumbl: ?
    19:16 – {NoH} Condawg: ye sure

  4. Davidera said:

    21:02 – DF Davidera #: is off
    21:02 – DF Davidera #: can we use
    21:02 – {NoH} Condawg: D:
    21:02 – DF Davidera #: the other med
    21:02 – DF Davidera #: ?
    21:03 – {NoH} Condawg: what other med?
    21:03 – DF Davidera #: our
    21:03 – DF Davidera #: merc
    21:03 – DF Davidera #: him want merc
    21:03 – {NoH} Condawg: y i guess
    21:03 – DF Davidera #: ty

  5. Davidera said:

    This is the stv here u can check the respawn time of our med as u said: http://fd.gfm.tf/pcw/02/demos/gullywash.tgz

  6. Davidera said:



  7. Davidera said:

    btw sorry for my english and for the caps lock

  8. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Dear teams,

    Please add a valid status screenshot. Once you have done so, you may contact an admin on IRC and have the warning removed.
    You can add screenshots through this page: http://etf2l.org/wp-admin/index.php?page=add_screen
    You can contact an admin here: http://etf2l.org/etf2l/support/

    Regarding your issues at the start of the gullywash game; we are still discussing this and will post our conclusion later today.

  9. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Dear teams,

    Regarding the fiasco that was the start of your Gullywash game, ETF2L would like to make the following statements:

    1. We commend DF for their patience. You guys waited for over 30 minutes for your opponents to get their line-up sorted out, even though you didn’t have to do this (you could’ve easily claimed a default win 15 minutes after the scheduled match time). Not many teams show this kind of admirable sportsmanship. On behalf of NoH, ETF2L and the many more opponents you will meet during your competitive TF2 careers, thank you very much!

    2. NoH, you took over 30 minutes to get your team sorted. Technical issues can happen but please try to be more prepared next time. Perhaps recruit a backup player for cases like these. Doing so is only in your best interest. You met an impressively patient team this time who waited for you this long, but next time you may not be so lucky!

    3. DF, it is absolutely unacceptable that you readied up for your opponents. If you did not agree with waiting so long, you should have contacted an admin. As mentioned above, your patience is very much appreciated, but that doesn’t suddenly make it ok to take matters into your own hands. Please play by the rules! The fact you were so patient with the other team is the only reason we are not giving you a minor warning for this incident.

    Additionally, I would like to strongly advise both teams to be fully aware of our league rules. For your convenience, I have attached some excerpts below:

    From http://etf2l.org/rules/general-rules/

    General Rule 3.4: A delay of 15 minutes is allowed

    A delay of 15 minutes for showing up for a match is allowed. If a team fails to have a complete team ready on the server 15 minutes after the match was supposed to start, the other team may claim a Default Win.

    After a map change, both teams have 10 minutes to organize, starting when the first player joins the server. If a team fails to have a complete team ready on the server after that, the other team can claim a Default Win, however only for the map concerned, not for the entire match.

    For claiming a Default Win, please make a status screenshot of your team available on the server at match time, gather any evidence you think concludes the case (demos or server logs) and contact an admin about the issue as soon as possible.

    General Rule 7.1: Requesting admin help

    To request help from an admin or to file a match complaint, please join our IRC channel #etf2l on quakenet, type !admin and wait for the next free admin to respond. Please do not add admins on Steam to ask questions or directly query them on IRC.
    If you do not have an IRC client installed on your pc you may use our webchat plugin.

    From http://etf2l.org/rules/season-15-rules/

    Season 15 Rule 2.1.3: Minimum of 5 players needed to play a match

    Teams need at least 5 players to play a scheduled 6on6 match. A team can ask their opponent to allow a merc (maximum: 2) to play for their team.

    Finally, if you have any complaints or questions about any of this (or anything else!), by all means feel free to contact us.

    Good luck in the rest of the seasons, and the many seasons to follow!

  10. cirlo: cirlo said:

    Dear NoH,

    We are sorry we readied up you, we hope we can solve this problem together.
    We are asking you if you have the status screen, because my team forgot to take it.
    If you don’t have it neither, please reply me and let’s agree to contact an admin.

  11. Condawg: REMOVE - buud$cult said:

    Dear DF and Admin Spike Himself,

    We are sorry it took so long to sort out the team, technical issues can be annoying sometime, and our only merc we knew was playing a match himself, so we frantically had to search for another merc and that is what took up so much time. As for the readying up issue, i accept your apology but please do not do it again. Last night you also pulled the same stunt, by hopping over to our team and starting, and we weren’t even late that time. So please get it out of your system so that you don’t end up getting banned from ETF2L or what-not.

    As for the status screen, I’m afraid i do not have it, as i did not realise it was neccesary. So I was wondering what will happen due to neither of us having the status screen. Is the match still valid and we end up with a warning each? or is the match voided or something? If someone would be courteous enough to explain this to me i would be very grateful.

    Thanks, Condawg

  12. cirlo: cirlo said:

    From http://etf2l.org/rules/general-rules/
    General Rules 3.2: Status & Scoreboard screenshots required

  13. cirlo: cirlo said:

    One member of each team has to take a status screenshot before a match is starting and after every player switch. A screenshot of the final score has to be taken at the end of every map/round. Please note that a scoreboard screenshot is not sufficient for all attack/defense maps as it does not show the winner – the screenshot explicitly declaring one team to be the winner is required instead. When submitting the result, a team leader has to upload all relevant screenshots.
    If any required match screenshots are missing after 72 hours, and the result has not been verified by the teams, both teams will receive a minor warning.
    Missing status screenshots will be punished with a minor warning no matter if the result has been verified by the teams. The second violation of this rule will be punished with a major warning.
    Warnings for missing screenshots can be removed if the missing screenshot is provided later.

  14. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Without a status screenshot, you keep the minor warning. That is all. The match results still count.

    You can find in the rules how minor warnings affect you as a team :)

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