Attention Premiership Highlander Teams: koth_lakeside_r2 has been changed to koth_lakeside_f2. please use this version of the map instead for your Scrims & Officials.

Highlander Season 4 powered by BlackOut Gaming

Division 6L

Week 4

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Bolly (Aerial Authority)

Default Win

European Aerial Authority vs European The Deeps
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


The Deeps (7) Niels, OldSpicey, aykarin, Icewind, Deepfried Monkey, calle cool, Jonaz
Aerial Authority (9) gats0n, DreadSlap, Bolly, Kefkan, Solitude, Nor9864, TarTar., Rarrasdas, Hry!
Unrostered (2) 50K, Punkka



  1. aykarin said:

    GG – was great game. They let us pause when our mumble decided to die :-).

  2. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:

    50k was NOT approved, and after discussing it with the leader of The Deeps I’ve confirmed that they used that player.

    Unless they provide proof of him being accepted as merc, I have to invalidate the scores and give Aerial Authority an default win. Warning for The Deeps aswell.

    Scores before default were: 0-4 and 0-3 for The Deeps.

    If you have any questions, contact an admin on #ETF2L by using the !admin feature.

  3. aykarin said:

    I informed them about our first merc, punkka, but forgot that 50k wasn’t in our team.

    Lucky AA: play awfully, but win on an admin oversight.

  4. Deepfried Monkey: GIEL - -Xe- said:

    winning with default wins, way too go guys! keep it up^^

  5. Rarrasdas said:

    Default wins are best wins, amiright?
    GG tho :)

  6. aykarin said:

    I fail to see the point in competition, if terrible teams like AA can win 2 games, despite playing worse than a pub team, through admin oversights. I accept the fault of the admin oversight – but how is this healthy for the tf2 competition.

  7. TarTar.: ROCK!T said:

    Guys you should stop crying , it’s your fault you forgot to mention that player and rules are rules .

  8. aykarin said:

    I definitely understand rules are rules. And as I said, I accept the loss. I even mentioned one to your guy, but i’d been working all day and didn’t realise.

    AA – You didn’t win a single game in this division on your own merit. Not in gameplay.

  9. Raz said:

    Way to go AA :D! Just because you were soooooo butthurt of your team being so terrible, you felt like you just HAD TO try with a default win! Very nice thinking there :) I must admit, you make the ETF2L community so much more fair and better ;) When im posting this, your currently leading in this braket just because of 6points from a default win! Keep it up guys! :D

  10. la_famille said:

    A real shame to have a ruined season just because of a little mistake from our leader, 50k is a player who already played with us during previous matches, not approving him is a cruel sens of unfair-playing.

    I’m sorry to say this but the punishement is too severe for such a mistake, because of this you ruined the VOI season and our’s for something who is almost considered like cheating.

    And, the worst part, we postponed the match to allow all their players to play. And that’s why we used two merc’s because one of our players couldn’t join at this hour, if we didn’t helped you out there wouldn’t had been any problem.

    If you guys had been a fair play team, you would had let this go, I don’t want to be rude but I think that y’all understood my point, and my broken English from France.

  11. Bolly: [T-A!] KSV said:

    We had nothing to do with the default win against VOI.

  12. Raz said:

    Perhaps not, But you certainly had something to do with this one. Winning a season with default wins. Awesome. Just wanna thank you guys for destroying the season for 2 whole teams :)

    I look up to you guys, Seriously.

  13. Deepfried Monkey: GIEL - -Xe- said:

    They won’t win Razzy, don’t worry :) UEC and Sechsbusters still have a match to go. So their unhonourable actions didn’t have any use^^
    they only ruined the bracket by this.
    End result should be:
    The Deeps: 18
    VOI: 16
    UEC: 10 + max 6
    Sechsbusters: 10+ max6
    AL: 6
    AA: 00000

    Good season guys, wp all, except you know which team :) I’m looking forward of playing with all of you again! Yes even you guys AA, i want to wreck you guys .. again. :)

    Btw, the Deeps are disbanded, was fun playing with this team, awesome members <3
    most of us are going to play on in comp in other teams.

  14. ekkelund: sirkkels said:

    wow such butthurt

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