Attention Premiership Highlander Teams: koth_lakeside_r2 has been changed to koth_lakeside_f2. please use this version of the map instead for your Scrims & Officials.

Highlander Season 4 powered by BlackOut Gaming

Division 6L

Week 3

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Stavoh (Tea-Mates)

Default Win

European Aerial Authority vs European Tea-Mates
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A B


Tea-Mates (8) Yodas Brother, Frozty, engkvist, Stavoh, Mmchips, madfox, Divi, crazycalumrock
Aerial Authority (8) gats0n, DreadSlap, Bolly, Kefkan, Solitude, Nor9864, Rarrasdas, Hry!
Unrostered (2) Punkka, Mearlite



  1. Bolly: [T-A!] KSV said:

    There are two status screenshots because our actual Sniper had incredibly bad ping after the start of the first round. We started with Spud-Man and then switched to Punkka (a merc).

  2. reservoir_dog: TC.Express said:

    General rule 2.2 Only players with correctly entered Steam IDs are eligible.

    Players are eligible only when they have correctly entered their Steam ID and are verified on their team’s roster.

    Variety of Inception used a player without a valid ETF2L account (or a valid SteamID) and will receive a default loss + minor warning.

    Remember to use only players with an ETF2L account and a valid SteamID entered. If you have any questions or if this is a just typo error etc, please contact an admin on ETF2L IRC channel (#etf2l). Don’t add admins on Steam!

  3. engkvist: FISTERRRRR said:

    Hey admin, how come we get a loss if they had one unregistered sub aswell? Just wondering because this is just wrong….

  4. Mmchips said:

    Yeah and I’m pretty sure Stavo helped Mearlite to register so this wouldn’t happen…

  5. Spycy: TC.Express said:

    Did that REALLY cost them the loss?

  6. Deepfried Monkey: GIEL - -Xe- said:

    They got us too, with default win, we won every game by far, but we didnt tell em bout one of our mercs (who is also div6 and certainly not the high level or sth (maybe for them, but not for the regular div6 player, like the others in our bracket))
    Our hope rests in your hands Secksbusters and UEC, you can prevent those guys from winning our bracket^^ go for it :)

  7. Epsilon: TC.Express said:

    Well officially, they can’t win.
    Look they have 12 points, while SB and UEC both have 10 points.
    And the end of our match, one of the two teams will get at least 4 points.
    So ye, one of us i sthe winners, but things are going wrong with the match.

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