Highlander Season 1
Division 5I
Week 1
This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.

[XX] - [XX]

[XX] - [XX]
Only Cheats !
Team Ping
[XX] - [XX]
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Hey, when will you play ? I prefer the sunday 13 at 21h GMT+1 (Paris, Berlin GMT)
9 players, bit hard to schedule..
we’re gmt+2. and we’ve school a day after.
Sunday at 21h not possible!
try some other dates and i tell you..
Wednesday 18 ? At 21h it’s possible ?
I’ve propose the wednesday 18 at 20:30 GMT+1 so 21h30 GMT+2… We can’t play before…
we are kinda busy with the 6vs6 league but ill talk to you soon/accept the date without talking to you ^^
No problem
Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
The default date is: Friday, 18 November 2011, 20:30
Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
friday is bad, and we need 8:00 at your time which is 9 by us…
Finally we can play sunday but it’s an european ligue with european hour… At 8h we eat in france…
Contact me if you are agree to play sunday. But we cannot play before 8h30 PM GMT+1 (=CET)
So i’ll suppose that we play tomorrow ?
Add nirock or bar or SagiXL
It seems the game is today, however im not sure we will have 9 players available.
A wildcard has been taken for this match by team pink.
You must reschedule and play this game before 02/12/2011.
okay guyz, we can play this game in the middle of the week next week >(not this week)
so just choose a day in the next week and well aprove.
Sunday the 27th at 8:30 CET is good for you? It would be best if you can play earlier.
We can play at 18h CET or 20h30 noot before, not between :/
So, they won badwater. We won viaduct 2-1, we thought it was best of 3. We will continue the match next sunday.
20:29:09] Hi Trath
[20:29:09] How can i help you?
[20:29:15] hey
[20:29:18] we played highlander
[20:29:26] but didnt really know the rules
[20:29:33] we played koth best of 3
[20:29:36] not best of 5
[20:29:55] if both teams agree on the result its okey
[20:29:59] http://etf2l.org/teams/13186/
[20:30:56] if they dont?\
[20:31:45] they might ask for the replay
[20:31:54] and all admins will discuss this
[20:33:04] he just did
[20:34:20] so
[20:34:22] we conitnue
[20:34:26] from 2-1 for us?
[20:34:29] yes
[20:34:34] alright