Highlander Ladder 2010
Not Scheduled
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

2 - 1
[Screenshots: N\A ]

0 - 4
[Screenshots: N\A ]
SpA|com highlander
1 - 1
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Guys, can we play this match upon weekdays? We got this wednesday/thursday free. Sunday is allready ‘booked’ with playoff match and other one.. So if this week is not ok for you – mby next wednesday/thursday?
hey; i could ask if people are around tomorrow, but really, it’s not very likely at all. if i get a team together then i’ll send you a challenge a little before it starts. otherwise, i guess that next sunday (21st) is gonna be the only time we can manage this then. i’ll try and catch you on steam tomorrow :)
okay, no problimos!
Guys, i can’t propose anything for the match since it’s not in My matches, but we can play this sunday 20:00 CET. Will be just great to see there))
the ladder system has bugged out for us a little bit. so we’ve agreed to play this on sunday 14th november at 20:00, and we’ll have some super-cool admin upload the results for us :D
Match Reminder
This challenge was accepted more than 7 days ago. You must play this game before 21/11/2010 or both teams will automatically incur a 5 point penalty. Penalty points will be removed upon completion of this match. Please schedule and play this game as soon as possible
[FOG] Yu: can we use 4 mercs?
[SpA|com]Scatterbrain: sure :D
gg – will have an admin upload results tomorrow, when i can get screenshots and stuff together. we won gpit with a golden cap, they won granary 0-4 :)
Exactly! Great match!