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Season 8 Powered by SteelSeries

Division 5f

Week 2

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.

Default Win

Germany Drunken Angels Unstoppable vs Spain ironSharks Gaming
6 - 0


  1. Ash: (Legend) - HINGE said:

    Hiya mates.

    When can you play?

    We’d prefer the default sunday at 2100 CET, that okay with you?

  2. maarquittooss: HbS! said:

    We would play better on a Tuesday or Wednesday if you do not mind because it is our members study and work late and on Sunday it has to be with the bride or family

    Tuesday, 2 or 3 at 22:00 Wednesday

  3. Ash: (Legend) - HINGE said:

    Sorry, currently we can only play at sunday, and 2200 CET is far too late!

  4. maarquittooss: HbS! said:

    Sorry but we can not play before 22 because people have school or work or late then we can not arrive before

  5. rischwa: EC! said:

    your people won’t have school/work on sundays and as we already told you on steam, we have players, who have to get up very early, so 22:00 is not an option, sorry

  6. Ash: (Legend) - HINGE said:

    What rischwa said. :)

  7. RaCio: GoT² said:

    Dear Team Release Yourself,

    ETF2L is a European league for all kinds of players. Unfortunately we can’t suit to every time schedule. Therefore the default match time ranges from about 20:00 to 21:15. Please try to find a date where you can play earlier. Sunday’s maybe?
    If you can’t find a date a default date will be assigned (today).

    Good luck

  8. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Sunday, 31 October 2010, 20:30
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  9. rischwa: EC! said:

    If i get it right, you want to play as late as possible, so we offer you to start at 21:00

  10. Ash: (Legend) - HINGE said:

    I think 2030 etf2l time is 2130 cet :D

  11. rischwa: EC! said:

    nope, etf2l is in cet, see at the top:
    Scheduled: Oct 31, 2010, 20:30 CET

  12. haze-e: is good! said:

    gogo massive! =)

  13. Ash: (Legend) - HINGE said:

    We can play at our server:
    password massive; connect

  14. WiLL said:


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