Highlander Ladder 2010
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

4 - 0
[Screenshots: N\A ]

4 - 0
[Screenshots: N\A ]
Team Freze
Brotherhood Of ELITES
2 - 0
SteamID Screenshots: A B C D E F G H
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Hey I need my Team Ready accept the Time Please.Its 22:00 Turkish Tıme Calcualte it For America Tıme
Match Reminder
This challenge was accepted more than 7 days ago. You must play this game before 15/09/2010 or both teams will automatically incur a 5 point penalty. Penalty points will be removed upon completion of this match. Please schedule and play this game as soon as possible
We won 4-0 on Gravelpit and Goldrush the other team can confirm.
OK they won great match good luck on ur other matches…
lolwut at steamids
where can i get the source TV from this game?