6v6 Ladder 2010

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by BlaZeD (are you kidding with us?!)



1 - 4

[Screenshots: A ]



2 - 1

[Screenshots: A ]



5 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]

Hungary are you kidding with us?! vs International Funky Bear Pie - Team Funk
2 - 1

SteamID Screenshots: A B


are you kidding with us?! (5) Blitz, Scarecrow, mimzyy, Fleksz, BlaZeD
Funky Bear Pie - Team Funk (7) hunter, Rastapopolis, Ociee, funkfusionator, Juan, Cap'n JABBA, Doctor Horrible
Unrostered (1) sajtos


  1. Ladder Challenge said:

    Match Reminder
    This challenge was accepted more than 7 days ago. You must play this game before 19/07/2010 or both teams will automatically incur a 5 point penalty. Penalty points will be removed upon completion of this match. Please schedule and play this game as soon as possible

  2. funkfusionator said:

    We can play friday, saturday, or sunday. We will require one merc however.

  3. funkfusionator said:

    Mercs are: Xk of 8U gaming and Sarah of 9 Men

  4. funkfusionator said:

    Blazed, I have talked to an official and there is hardly any difference between div 5 and div 6 and so we would like to decline the rematch offer. I’m going to submit the results.

  5. Flexx: Look out! said:

    Hey guys slow down… I think, that two merc is a too many. Who was that “official”, was he from etf2l??

  6. funkfusionator said:

    dw, we’ve sorted this on steam. Replaying match hopefully on Saturday at 18:00 with hopefully a full team from FBP

  7. funkfusionator said:

    Your server or our server?

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