Attention Premiership Highlander Teams: koth_lakeside_r2 has been changed to koth_lakeside_f2. please use this version of the map instead for your Scrims & Officials.

ETF2L AFS Season 2010

Division 5j

Week 6

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ulv (hb0da)



5 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]



5 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]

Sweden hb0da vs Germany The Good Guys!
6 - 0


SteamID Screenshots: A


The Good Guys! (5) MastaBlasta, Hobbybash0r, Tehgnarr, JimmyB, hans
hb0da (6) drleånn, zoob, mb, morf, ulv, iQue
Unrostered (1) electrizzity


  • Map 2 (cp_gullywash): Source TV [Pruned] by ulv (297 Downloads)
  • Map 1 (cp_coldfront): Source TV [Pruned] by ulv (218 Downloads)


  1. Tehgnarr: is good! said:

    wtf you guys doing in div 5 anyways? =)

  2. prince-nussi: is good! - FF said:

    We cant play until 04.08 due to members beeing on holiday.

  3. RaCio: GoT² said:

    As one team stated they can not play on the usual default date I’d friendly request both teams to try to find a date soon or a default date will be set (on another day).

  4. ulv: h. - Liero said:

    I wont be able to play much during week 31, due to me going to assembly. So, from 9th of august and onwards, we should be ready for just about anything.

    @Tehgnarr: It just turned out this way.

  5. ulv: h. - Liero said:

    Sent proposal for 12th 21:15, please accept asap. Deadline for scheduling is 8th. Last match date is 15th.

  6. ulv: h. - Liero said:

    eh, i mean 11th :D

  7. Rochester said:

    Should be ok for us, I’ll check back with my team and let you know until Thursday. We’ll need to use a merc, is that ok with you guys?

  8. ulv: h. - Liero said:

    yeah sure, just drop a profile url to the merc. either way, we can only play between 10th and 15th.

  9. Rochester said:

    Ok, we play on 11th!

  10. EFR said:

    Looks like there’s no way we can get six people online and playing… Consider the match defwon :(

  11. ulv: h. - Liero said:

    what about another day? defwins suck :(

  12. EFR said:

    I really don’t see it happen, but I’ve added you on Steam, maybe we can figure something out.

  13. ulv: h. - Liero said:

    If you cant field a team at all, then we cant play the game of course, but as I said, if you CAN, and on some reasonable date (as in, 5 AM on saturday morning would not be reasonable) then we rather play the game than take a default.

  14. ulv: h. - Liero said:

    My server is ready.

  15. EFR said:

    Looks like today’s a no-go after all. But we can play tomorrow at 21:00 if you’re there. I’ve sent you a proposal.

  16. ulv: h. - Liero said:

    Damn straight we’ll be there tomorrow :D


    I asked them if they wanna trade for today.

  17. EFR said:


  18. electrizzity said:

    Hey goodguys. I can possible Merc 4 U today. If you need me and Sweden allowes me.


  19. EFR said:

    If you can’t trade, it’s fine, looks like we’ll be able to play today after all. I’m sorry, this team is made of chaos.

  20. ulv: h. - Liero said:

    :D ok, fine, cu on.

  21. abdaO.o: FNR! said:

    Yeah, sorry for any trouble caused. Were pretty much having some problems now getting 6 people together since we came back from our summer break. Unfortunately one of our scouts PC is broken atm, so we’ll probably need a merc to step in. I’ll contact you right away with his details as soon as I get one.

    @ele sure, contact me and dont miss it this time ;)

  22. electrizzity said:


  23. Jazzman: keso said:

    Det här tar ni, gubbar! lätt!!!

  24. EFR said:

    Få se. Lycka till! :)

  25. ulv: h. - Liero said:

    15:16 – EFR: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197985614250/
    15:16 – EFR: This guy will merc for us, k?


  26. Shuffle: afk wtf?! said:


  27. iQue: keso said:

    GGs, well played!

  28. electrizzity said:

    gg’s . wp zoob

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