Attention Premiership Highlander Teams: koth_lakeside_r2 has been changed to koth_lakeside_f2. please use this version of the map instead for your Scrims & Officials.

6v6 Ladder 2010

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

Default Win

European Team Effects vs Finland Zombies Ate My Neighbors
0 - 1


  1. Knolly: vs said:

    Hello again! =D
    Shall we do rc2 instead od rc1?

  2. Panic of the Undead: zamn! said:

    Hi. Yeah, it would be silly to play rc12 so gogo rc2 :)

  3. Junde: NMH - sisu said:

    oh yay my freight map doesnt work -,- i have tryed to dload it again and again still comes error “missing map cp_freight.bsp”

  4. Panic of the Undead: zamn! said:

    Junde, try deleting all your freight map(s) first, then go to maps > soundcache > delete all freight related files there and then dl it from the site. That might work. :)

  5. Knolly: vs said:

    Friday 18.00?

  6. Panic of the Undead: zamn! said:

    Sounds good. Check out the calender :)

  7. Panic of the Undead: zamn! said:

    Hello?! We are waiting!

  8. Dem said:

    Yeah, this is the only way to get points for you, because in real war you suck. :)))

  9. Panic of the Undead: zamn! said:

    19:00 cet and no one is around. 30 minutes later and nothing. This isn’t the first time you guys didn’t show up to a match. I have no interest to re-arrange since I can’t trust you guys to show up

  10. Woozie: LG said:

    Yes we were low on players so we couldnt make it sory guys, I was afk too

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