ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


LF Team Mentor 6s

Created 5th July 2017 @ 15:49

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Hi all,

Our previous mentor, the legendary Ombrack, has decided to step down after being our mentor for a season and a bit. Big shout out for his help so far.

Therefore, we are looking for a new, active mentor. Anyone above mid/high is normally okay from experience.

We are a low team planning to make some major changes to the way we play. We’d quite like to get in at least the top 10 in S28, maybe even higher (if we get gud).

Feel free to add me on steam or comment on here with any questions. Steam is probably the quicker way to contact me.


misha YB`g



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