
LF Demoman Mentor (HL)

Created 12th August 2014 @ 01:27

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A Dillion

Hi there.

I’ve recently started playing Demo for a HL team I’m forming in advance of next season, aiming to enter Div 5.

I’ve got experience in low levels as an Engineer and Medic, and I’ve got some understanding of competitive meta, through rigorous and unnecessary consumption of casts and POVs.

I got into TF2 for competitive, and I’d like to improve as much as I can; I think a mentor would help me do that, as sometimes reviewing my own demos I’m left staring at the screen saying “I did something wrong there, but I don’t know what. Buhhhhh.”

I can take criticism, and I know in HL a lot rests on the Demoman, so things going badly in games will often be my fault. If I can learn and be taught to not expose those faults, that’d be great.

My weak points are DM and positioning, and my strengths are the metagame and calling (I’ll be maincalling on my team).

I’ve not got into 6s yet, but I might, if I get the time or the team for it. If a mentor could help me in that eventuality, it’d be nice, but it’s no necessity.

Basically, I want to get better, and play at higher levels, and put work into it, and I’d like someone to give me a hand pointing out my errors.




If your weak point is dm then practice your dm?


A Dillion

Quoted from Collaide

If your weak point is dm then practice your dm?

I’ll try, but there are other things where I’m just not sure how I should improve; which fights to take, when to get more aggressive, stuff like that. I thought having a mentor, as well as plain practice, would help me improve faster.


He’s a good guy, I think he genuinely wants to improve and put the effort in too which is not so common these days. Hope you find a good mentor :)


Yeah if you got into TF2 for comp then 6’s is where it’s at, if you want to have fun HL is ok I guess, good luck.


Quoted from hr

Yeah if you got into TF2 for comp then 6’s is where it’s at, if you want to have fun HL is ok I guess, good luck.

iAgree with hr


A Dillion

Bump- I still need someone to help show me what I should be doing.

If it helps you work out where I need to improve, I have a demo review here-



add JoeNuf C




I can give my opintion on that demo[try to help] because i`m other the demo and we had our worest game ever

i wasent never was part of the combo, most of the time just roamed [check logs and see that i moslty killed your flank and u play against my 40% heals heavy]

i had more than 10 stupid deaths, few times that i called to uber me and it not happend from some reason, medic + heavy leaving me alone on last, heavy not calling for demo in choke [aham badbad], heavy overextend in places he shoulnt be and take the heals away from me

gl man


Quoted from hr

Yeah if you got into TF2 for comp then 6’s is where it’s at, if you want to have fun HL is ok I guess, good luck.

highlander actually gets a bit more serious on high div 2-prem. or just plat ugc.
where you need to have more teamwork and coordination then solo performance, but generally yeah 6s is still more serious:p



Quoted from Phnx

highlander actually gets a bit more serious on high div 2-prem. or just plat ugc.

Actually I’d say UGC is the other way round these days, the lower teams take it seriously and Plat is a massive joke, pretty much all mix/offclass teams :P

Anyway I will speak to my demoman and point him this way. Good luck :)

Last edited by Oxy,

Russian Guyovich

(Surging Meat Cable)

HL Demo pro guide:

1. m1
2. m2
3. Call damage
4. Taunt after killing every tryhard Pyro main
5. Don’t pick chasing kills over dealing damage to the combo
6. Blame your Heavy for failed pushes
7. Push with kritz on the dot, charge sticky before 100%
8. Stay out of uber v uber if it makes sense to, sticky enemy combo off instead
9. Lay multiple stickies first before trying to take down a wrangled sentry
10. Play 6v6

Last edited by Russian Guyovich,



Quoted from Russian Guyovich

6. Blame your Heavy for failed pushes

nonono, its your medics fault for not healing you enough

Quoted from Russian Guyovich

9. Lay multiple stickies first before trying to take down a wrangled sentry

you shouldnt ever be shooting at wrangled sentries



Quoted from drew

I can give my opintion on that demo[try to help] because i`m other the demo and we had our worest game ever

i wasent never was part of the combo, most of the time just roamed [check logs and see that i moslty killed your flank and u play against my 40% heals heavy]


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