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A question to prem/div 1 medics

Created 2nd January 2014 @ 22:06

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Use Kritz and Pocket demo




To me it feels really awkward and clumsy to have it on, especially with players bunched up together. I’d call it personal preference, the difference seems so minute anyway…


Quoted from Popcorp


Use Kritz and Pocket demo





UbeR |

Quoted from Popcorp


W-w-whaaaat (((((((



Quoted from CVM


That’s actually incorrect. The uber drain rate is increased only while multiple players are under the effect of the uber.

No, that’s exactly what I’m trying to tell you.
I tested it.
I tested it again yesterday.
I tested it again today with one bot. Tell me how I managed to get an über <8s when there's only one target to über.


I find it easier to heal people without autohealing on, but i dont like holding m1 so i have it on lol


lawl how about just playing the game and pew pew people and having fun instead of paying attention to the smallest details :) just try both and see which you like better, just like with almost everything.



Quoted from Setsul

No, that’s exactly what I’m trying to tell you.
I tested it.
I tested it again yesterday.
I tested it again today with one bot. Tell me how I managed to get an über <8s when there's only one target to über.

Now that is odd. Tested again today and I’m seeing the exact same thing. Clearly Robin doesn’t know how it works. Interesting.

Best guess: when you let go of someone they get the 1 second of fade, but if you re-apply uber to them before the second is up, it still counts like they’re receiving the effect of both the fade and uber, so it will drain like it would for 2 players.

If you wait until it has faded before re-applying uber you should still get the full 8 seconds.

Quoted from Koala

lawl how about just playing the game and pew pew people and having fun instead of paying attention to the smallest details :) just try both and see which you like better, just like with almost everything.

I do have fun – I just also find this stuff interesting. :)

On topic…

Quoted from Snyyppis

To me it feels really awkward and clumsy to have it on, especially with players bunched up together. I’d call it personal preference, the difference seems so minute anyway…

^ This



Quoted from CVM

Now that is odd. Tested again today and I’m seeing the exact same thing. Clearly Robin doesn’t know how it works. Interesting.

Best guess: when you let go of someone they get the 1 second of fade, but if you re-apply uber to them before the second is up, it still counts like they’re receiving the effect of both the fade and uber, so it will drain like it would for 2 players.

If you wait until it has faded before re-applying uber you should still get the full 8 seconds.

No. I always waited until it had faded.
Best Guess: It’s exactly like I told you. Add half the base über drain rate for every flashing player. Or in other words, every full flashing-until-no-über sequence (1s) costs you 0.5 seconds of über.


So much brainfuck in this thread


(Toucan Ambassador)

Not sure about flashes with Quickfix; the healing definitely doesn’t continue, but maybe the knock back immunity does?

Edit: Does not.

Last edited by Admirable,


(ETF2L Donator)

Does kritz flash? I’ve seen people crit scattergun kill people after their med was killed so that would suggest so, but I’ve never really seen it to the same extent as uber…



Afaik the effects of kritz and quickfix (not sure about vaccinator) don’t flash, just like they don’t flash for 1s after the charge (unlike the normal über fade).

Penalties for switching targets during the charge are the same however, I tested that.



I’m not prem or div 1 but I’ve been playing it on for a while. I haven’t had trouble with multiple uber flashes.

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