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Highlander Newcomer Guide

Created 27th July 2013 @ 17:05

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UbeR |

Hey, we at ETF2L noticed we were lacking a Highlander Newcomer Guide in our help section, so I wrote a guide with all the basics when going from public play to league play.
We want to make it as complete, yet compact as possible.

And that’s why we want your feedback on it, the main guide is found over here:

If you have anything to add or to correct, please use this thread or the comment section on the guide to notify us.

The second question I want to ask you guys is that we want more competitive oriented guides to add to the guide section. If you’ve found one, please link it in this thread as well, and we will add it to the guide section at a later stage.

Thanks for your time, hopefully we can help the newer players that are a bit lost in our scene!


Really concise and well written! ^-^



New teams tend to have problems understanding win conditions – especially stopwatch – so you could expand that section. Other than that, it’s excellent!

Enders Flame

Great effort


UbeR |

Quoted from sanktio

New teams tend to have problems understanding win conditions – especially stopwatch – so you could expand that section. Other than that, it’s excellent!

Yeah, I took the settings from the configs and wrote them down, will expand on that one!

and ty for the positive feedback :p

Last edited by kKaltUu,



I might translate this guide into russian, the guide itself is huge



The guide in russian http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=164641695

It is 20% bigger due to some info about UGC/Wireplay and some basic tactics for all classes. It is also being easily translated by google.


(ETF2L Donator)

It’s ‘there can be only one’ not ‘there can only be one’ just started reading and spotted that.



Good guy, good stuff

Coronel Chicha


I have two questions which come from a somewhat newbie to HL (me):1. Would it be possible for you to do some map positioning review? Something very general that div6 HL teams should be aware. I.e. where should the combo be building, where are sentries usually positioned or where they should be positioned, what are ideal choke points, etc. etc. Nothing fancy, just region highlighting with different colors for one or two most played maps for instance.2. In case this is a lot to ask, maybe post a list of gameplay with commentary of HL teams playing in multiple maps? This way, we could see what they were doing wrongly and all that.
Thanks and nice job


Quoted from Coronel Chicha

maybe post a list of gameplay with commentary of HL teams playing in multiple maps? This way, we could see what they were doing wrongly and all that.
Thanks and nice job


Bob Bami

Heinsight, they do most HL maps.
Just search for it on youtube and you’ll find them


hey  can you   say me  how to play ? :( 


(ETF2L Donator)
Arti Rush

activate the developer console and put in the connectstring that your teammates gave you.

Bob Bami

ok, got it

Last edited by Bob Bami,

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