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LF scout mentor Div 2+

Created 20th December 2012 @ 15:43

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Quoted from MIndYe

1 week doesn’t really give you noticable results. Come back after a few months of 1-2h/day.

E: I’m bored so I’m gonna tell you how I got to div1 level. Play some matches and afterwards, watch your demos. Every time you die, think of WHY it happened and if you could have prevented it with positioning yourself better. Note that sometimes you die for a cause, wether that is forcing the uber early or delaying a push. If most of the time your thinking “I would have won if I hit my shots” your doing it wrong. Sometimes that’s the reason, but most of the times it’s not. Also, watch vanillaTV insights and analyze why the players on those do what they do. Just copying what the higher div players do doesn’t make you good. You need to learn how to adapt to the situation you’re in and when to be aggressive and not to be aggressive. I’m talking it.

thanks MInd helped alot. but something is wrong with my PREC thing everytime i play a lobby(6v6 or HL) the demo’s dont record. do i press a button to start and stop the demo?
or those it do it automatic. please help first time ever trying to do the PREC im kinda a noob at prec atm



Quoted from ozzi


thanks MInd helped alot. but something is wrong with my PREC thing everytime i play a lobby(6v6 or HL) the demo’s dont record. do i press a button to start and stop the demo?
or those it do it automatic. please help first time ever trying to do the PREC im kinda a noob at prec atm

P-REC is broken since the SWISSMASS update. I recommend reading this forum a bit more, there’s about half a dozen threads touching this topic within the making of this very thread.


Quoted from ash


P-REC is broken since the SWISSMASS update. I recommend reading this forum a bit more, there’s about half a dozen threads touching this topic within the making of this very thread.

ok thanks ash hope they get it fixed want to record my demo’s



Quoted from ozzi


ok thanks ash hope they get it fixed want to record my demo’s

You can record them manually, just type into console:

record 23-12-12--1400--badlands-mix

or whatever you want to name your demo into console.


to stop recording.

You can start recording during pre-game/warmup as well.


Quoted from ash


You can record them manually, just type into console:

record 23-12-12--1400--badlands-mix

or whatever you want to name your demo into console.


to stop recording.

You can start recording during pre-game/warmup as well.

thank you for the tips. but i am still looking for a mentor atm so please add me if your willing to help me.

Last edited by ozzi,


(Legendary Ratehacks)

what do u expect from a mentor

i mean people gave u all the tools in this thread so just
use them


Quoted from smziii

what do u expect from a mentor

i mean people gave u all the tools in this thread so just
use them

ok smzi i will this could be my last comment and i would love to say thank you everyone who commented on this thread every single 1 of you guy’s helped me in some ways some helped me with my weakness with scout. I have improved my mge and dm by 30 % that i can feel from these few days thanks everyone for the help really helped thanks etf2l forums people have fun


(Legendary Ratehacks)

Quoted from ozzi


ok smzi i will this could be my last comment and i would love to say thank you everyone who commented on this thread every single 1 of you guy’s helped me in some ways some helped me with my weakness with scout. I have improved my mge and dm by 30 % that i can feel from these few days thanks everyone for the help really helped thanks etf2l forums people have fun

30 percent in 3-4 days? not bad



I never watch my demo’s, must be why I’m shit.


i have 1 last problem tat has been bugging me for a few days and i want to know how cab i prevent myself from flicking alot cause everytime im doing mge dm or 6v6 i always seem to flick and im trying not to but it still flicks and it really annoying and im not the kind of guy who flicks alot i only like to trace but flicking just happens and i dont know why


(ETF2L Donator)

play with 90cm/360

no more flicking!


Quoted from sidestep

play with 90cm/360

no more flicking!

90cm/360 is too slow for me. I need advice on how to stop flicking not a sensitivity tat slows me down and that 90cm/360 isnt a good tracking sensitivity :P



Quoted from ozzi


90cm/360 is too slow for me. I need advice on how to stop flicking not a sensitivity tat slows me down and that 90cm/360 isnt a good tracking sensitivity :P

Its perfect for tracking. But it is so much tracking, that you cannot move fast at all. THAT is the problem.

But perhaps you could use your brain and come to the conclusion to increase your cm/360 anyways, not necessarily to 90cm/360 obviously.


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from ozzi


90cm/360 is too slow for me. I need advice on how to stop flicking not a sensitivity tat slows me down and that 90cm/360 isnt a good tracking sensitivity :P

Play with a sensitivity you like and don’t change it. Someone telling you what to play on won’t really make you better if you don’t like it.



Flicking is fine? That’s fucking muscle memory for you right there. The key is getting confortable with a setting that allows you to track and flick.

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