Looking for leader mentor for division 6 highlander team
Created 5th August 2012 @ 12:23
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Hey guys, this may seem like a strange request, but I’m new to being a leader in the highlander scene, as was wondering if anyone would be willing to give me some tips on how to become an efficient leader. I play medic, so this includes making calls, knowing which class does which role etc. Equally, would be nice to know some team building techniques or something.
Would be great if someone could reply =)
you can try to maincall in a pub, pretty much the same
actually its harder to maincall a highlander team than a 6v6 team because you have 8 team mates who play all different classes to coordinate!
my team and i do not have a leader who calls everything. just trust in your people that they make the right decisions. listen to their suggestions and think about it. as a leader you can make any decisions, it does not mean that you are the “playmaker”.
your mates are also ppl, not bots (who u can control, cuz tf2 isnt a strategy game :D)
Quoted from WLAN-Kabel
actually its harder to maincall a highlander team than a 6v6 team because you have 8 team mates who play all different classes to coordinate!
If you have to maincall a lot in HL it means something else is wrong. The maincalling should be limited to calling pushes and holds. Everything else people will have to fill in on their own.
Best thing you can do is to go over the maps (especially PL maps and perhaps CTF maps) so you get some general strategy. Other then that people need to learn their class in HL and it’s role. You can’t do calls for everyone.
Last edited by Crazyman,
hang out on mumble often
have fun
make sure that people can make matches and scrims
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