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A question to the Lower divisions

Created 7th September 2011 @ 11:43

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Very sound advice. I’ll try to incorporate that into my current game.

Fish, I’d love to have a chat with you about a few more questions I have some time, but not in the immediate couple of weeks to come, since I have to settle university stuff and all before I’m free to start playing again.



Doing another session of Ask fish on steam after the last one i enjoyed at 20cet on friday,

i will proberly hold it in mumble to save my fingers :) all welcome to join ask a question and listen!

http://steamcommunity.com/groups/vitaltf2 join the steam group and the chat tomorrow or the mumble depends where i hold it! :)



Quoted from Vali


There is no correct answer to that question because healing order is informed by more factors than health and location, it is informed greatly by the situation as well. Besides red health could mean anything from 1-49% which would also make a difference based on the situation as classes would need to meet certain minimal or safe values (like those to rocket and stickyjump).

Out of combat you would generally want to heal the scouts first because they will be the ones that hang around you the least and need to go off to do their thing like hold the flank or cap a point. Whether you heal one scout or both depends on the availabilty and safety of medkits en route (maybe even neither scout on something like pushing granary mid uncontested). In combat the scouts will generally be the lowest priority but that might change depending on if your team is one that gets carried by your sick scout.

As for the heavies, as long as the healing values are safe and there is no immediate danger then the healing priority should more or less go towards who needs to be where and how soon. If your roaming solly needs to jump to spire to cap for example then heal them up first so they can go do their job, otherwise its generally demo > roaming > pocket. If you have an aggressive demo then he will usually be the first regardless; if you play with two aggressive sollies and a pocket demo then out of combat there is no harm healing up the demo last. In combat, demo > sollies > scouts as a general rule of thumb.

Specific situations will mess with any healing order you can think of, the most important thing is to be thinking “what things need to be done” and healing in an order that would get them done with the most efficiancy and greatest chance of success. A good example of this would be pushing out from badlands last where getting spire capped quickly is of utmost priority, followed by not getting backcapped and then being able to hold more aggressively. Healing up one scout first and lettting the other heal up on health packs on the way would get the most captime on the point quickest, but healing up the roaming solly (or whatever) on last would take priority over healing the solly or demo that you’re going to push out with.

couldnt put this any better myself, and vali is not even a main medic.

this is something, that u cannot be tought or told – you will just have to learn to read situations.
to make valis point shorter: heal the guys, that need to be somewhere else, quickly, and heal the guys, who will stick with you anyways, later, when the guys, who needed to go, have gone.

even when i come to mid, the first i heal (after buffing my aggro-soli until he jumps) would be my carry-scout, instead of the demo, because i know my demo is smart enough to stay in cover one second longer and will walk with me over the point anyway while being healed, but my scout is desperately waiting on my buff to go and w+mouse1 their team.

so it will always be team-dependant (what vali said) and you cannot answer the question for a “heal-order” precisely. If u keep this sentence in mind, you will have come to understand a lot about medicing: “the healing priority should more or less go towards who needs to be where and how soon.”



Quoted from Vladi





Props to fish for going all out like this to help us bottom feeders out. He really clarified some concerns i was having about my own game and told me what he expected of his roamer in vital. So even if you’re not a med you should go along to one of his “sessions” and check it out.



Quoted from GibbZ



I don’t get it.

Spike Himself


Quoted from Koeitje


I don’t get it.

Big surprise.


(ETF2L Donator)

Where can we find the STV demos and comms of your matches?



ftp://bonerdownload:[email protected] will be our address to download stv with comms

a reminder 20cet for ask fish! :) all welcome! details will appear in the steam group



Imo a great initiative. Fish really takes the time to answer the questions given to him. Really patient with everybody (even i you keep asking him stuff over and over ;p) and makes sure that you understands what he is saying. Really enjoyed talking to the guy and together with Vital Public Gaming stv’s/comms and stuff it’s a really easy way to learn the more advanced things in tf2 ;p…


(ETF2L Donator)

STV demos with comms are a godsend, thankyou!

Edit: Also your comms are so calm and easy to hear! How do you manage that, is it just because Fish main calls everything?



sideshow feel free to hop into the steam chat now for ask fish! :)



thanks to all who joined me tonight in the end i went up going over some obscure and gravelpit tactics and boring them all to death :D



Vital have opened up a TF2 part on the forums for me http://www.vitalgaming.eu/ need to register click forums and at the bottom is the TF2 part complete with the “Ask fish” sub forum.

Anyone who has further questions if you can pop them in there i will answer them when i can and use the best one’s in my ask fish article,

Please leave your name and team your from for the article :)



Quoted from Dr-GimpfeN

why are pro-teams always late on server even if it is casted?

Its cool to be late to the party :)

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