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High div players joining lower divs during season.

Created 28th May 2014 @ 22:35

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lft div3a scout



Quoted from almightybob


Surely high-level players choosing to play in lower divisions instead of playing at their own skill level will have a far greater negative impact on the top flight, since the best players are spread out across lower leagues instead of concentrated at the top?

stop being such a nazi. playing in high divs requires time and effort, but what if you only want to chill with friends in div 3 or something there shouldnt be some arbitrary rule preventing you from that.



Quoted from TviQ

Pretty sure its not about proving rather improving you cunt

improving? what does a 5-0 steam roll in 5 minutes does teach you? You don’t even have room to analyze such game, maybe you should stop being the cunt here and maybe step it up as a person.

Last edited by caeli,



Quoted from caeli


improving? what does a 5-0 steam roll in 5 minutes does teach you? You don’t even have room to analyze such game, maybe you should stop being the cunt here.

Implying a prem demo has such an impact in a div3 team. lol.



Quoted from ash


Implying a prem demo has such an impact in a div3 team. lol.

it’s an example of the whole idea people is discussing about.



Quoted from caeli


improving? what does a 5-0 steam roll in 5 minutes does teach you? You don’t even have room to analyze such game, maybe you should stop being the cunt here and maybe step it up as a person.

what does it not tell you??????????? if one guy outplays your whole team then maybe you guys shouldnt be in a team togheter


(TF2Pickup.net Unicorn)

Quoted from Tornf4lk

Holy shit has this thread turned into a discussion that wasn’t brought up by the OP.
Last season I would have had no problem with being seeded against the team with Byte in it. They had him before the season started and were seeded into d3 with their prem player.

This is not an issue to me. The issue is people with 6 d3-skilled players being seeded in d3 and then picking up a prem player, imo raising their general skill level without having been seeded with that in consideration.

We obviously do seed our teams to try and get even divs. So this whole “get gud idiots” thing won’t work because divs should be as close as possible. Otherwise we might as well skip the whole concept of divisions. Just make it a huge tournament with single elim. If you only get to play one game vs Epsilon that’s just too bad then, you weren’t good enough d6 players. hf next time

This exactly, as it already got mentioned several times.

Quoted from ondkaja


stop being such a nazi. playing in high divs requires time and effort, but what if you only want to chill with friends in div 3 or something there shouldnt be some arbitrary rule preventing you from that.

then decide to do that before a season and all is fine

LF prem pocket for rest of season btw x]

Last edited by Kuferl,



This is quite the travesty I reckon.

Last edited by kaidus,



Quoted from TviQ

what does it not tell you??????????? if one guy outplays your whole team then maybe you guys shouldnt be in a team togheter

maybe when you lose you shouldn’t rage quit and blame server and “high ping” (when your ping is 2 times smaller than your opponents ping)

go play cs or something

Last edited by wonder,



Quoted from ash

It’s literally a single official. If your team folds over a single shitty official, holy fuck, then that official wasnt your issue.

Man up and overcome this challenge.


Quoted from Rake

lft div3a scout


TviQ is right, if your team in div 3 can’t lock down or focus one player down, then what are you doing in the division. Not trying to defend ourselves, but seriously he wont even do this huge impact, that you’re all crying about, it’s literally one player, and if the team doesn’t play around him or follow up on his dmg, well then he’s useless, no matter how good he is.



Quoted from wonder


maybe when you lose you shouldn’t rage quit and blame server and “high ping” (when your ping is 2 times smaller than your opponents ping)

go play cs or something

???? when have i ever ragequitted ????????????????



If you’re playing a competitive game, you should be aiming to be the best. You shouldn’t settle for anything below.
If you ever fail on your way to get there, you’re supposed to keep trying by practising hard and improving.

You will never achieve anything with such a whiny attitude. As many others said, you should be glad of the opportunity to play against better players, that’s how you fucking improve FFS! Now grow the fuck up and let this thread die.



Quoted from Tornf4lk



It boils down to this: ETF2L can take one of two attitudes to skill level matching.

1) “The skill level of players and teams who are grouped together is important. Teams and players should be matched against opponents of roughly their own level in order to make the leagues competitive.”

2) “The skill level of players and teams who are grouped together is not important. This is just for fun, people should be able to play at whatever level they want.”

If ETF2L want to take attitude 2, then the admins should stop investing so much time in streaming teams and players into their respective divs. It’s surely a gruelling and thankless task – why bother if attitude 2 is your attitude? Just do divs randomly, or don’t do divs at all.

If ETF2L take attitude 1, then the time spent in organising divs makes sense and is time well spent. But then to allow players to undo all that hard work by simply shuffling around unrestricted after divs have been selected makes no sense. Why spend hours and hours judging the strength of a team when the day after you place teams they could recruit a prem player? It only makes sense to have some restrictions in place. Add to that the players’ expectations – they believe they have been grouped with other players of an equivalent skill.

It would be impractical to ban all post-div-selection transfers. Shit happens, recruitment mid-season is necessary. However to simultaneously acknowledge the impact a high-skill player has in a team when recruited before the season, but ignore the impact a high-skill player has in a team when recruited during the season, seems quite silly. Not to mention frustrating for opponents who thought they would be getting a fairer matchup than they actually are.

TLDR: If ETF2L wishes to continue grouping teams and players into skill-based divisions, there should be also some restrictions in place on the amount of divisions a player can move downwards after the season begins.






Quoted from droso

If you’re playing a competitive game, you should be aiming to be the best. You shouldn’t settle for anything below.
If you ever fail on your way to get there, you’re supposed to keep trying by practising hard and improving.

You will never achieve anything with such a whiny attitude. As many others said, you should be glad of the opportunity to play against better players, that’s how you fucking improve FFS! Now grow the fuck up and let this thread die.

This is totally irrelevant. You can get hard games on irc. Everyone knows how to test themselves to improve. The league shouldn’t accommodate every prem player who wants to take the piss in div2.

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