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Created 12th November 2010 @ 15:53

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Hey, I started up my computer today, and a dialogue box came up saying: atnhbvpj.exe has stopped working, but when i just click close, it comes up again and again, help pleaaase?



Nice virus you’ve got there.


So shall I just scan?

Last edited by Harlski,



I never recommend scanning whilst in Windows, that’s stupid. All virus scanners at a fundamental level rely on the operating system not lying to them, and that’s something which viruses (especially w/ RK) will likely attempt to exploit. The only reason any in-OS virus scanner is worthwhile is because of realtime scanning so you can catch it before it manipulates system output.

Go into a live environment and scan. http://www.freedrweb.com/livecd/?lng=en is decent.


Okay cheers :) I’ll update in a bit



butbutbutbut surely he has to format his PC Chris as now it’s not SAFE anymore :D



Quoted from Waebi

butbutbutbut surely he has to format his PC Chris as now it’s not SAFE anymore :D

Well yes.

Viruses are made to evade detection and removal by design, even basic ones will take some steps to remain hidden after supposed removal. The only real removal is a format. That’s not really practical for most people, though (although I would certainly do it if I thought I had a virus).

Last edited by octochris,


I’m probably formatting in a couple of weeks anyways, but SpyBot S&D and AVG’s full scan seem to have done the trick.



Spybot is old and nowhere near as good as MalwareBytes or SuperAntiSpyware. AVG is just plain shit.


Scanning with MalwareBytes now.



Like I said, in system scans are not reliable. Only use them if you can’t use a live CD for some reason, which no doubt you can.

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