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Help me

Created 27th October 2010 @ 00:36

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Quoted from baerbel

go for a walk/get away from the pc. dont play tf2 for a few days and your aim will be good again

You can’t get a better piece of advice here. It is indeed all in your mind. Take a deep breath and be good again.



Quoted from lork

put the crosshair on your enemy and then press click

“leave your pc

go do something with your life

come back and aim good.”

this will help too and don´t worry, everybody have bad days.


It helps between games to go outside for a bit and just stay away from your pc.
give your brains some rest etc.
It’s also good to go running or something before you start playing games to clear your mind.
its also good for your health :P

Not here

thnx guys



I tend to go for a cig or buy a pack of cigs if im out from the store if im REALLY shit ;p


(ETF2L Donator)

When I experience inconsistency I can usually relate it to one of the following things:

* Focus your eyes on the crosshair and the enemy you want to align it with (and by focusing I mean literally staring). Keep it in focus as if it was a word you were about to read.

* Make it a goal to have the crosshair practically glued to the enemy in every moment preceeding a shot to minimize the drag distance and maximize precision. Make a terminal flick really fast when you shoot. Don’t align, check alignment and then shoot. It should be one continuos movement. Make it quick enough for you to register weather it hit first after the shot, allowing for close to no displacement during the movement time. That applies mostly to hitscan. For rl, aim for specific spots just as you would for an enemy, rather than flicking away a rocket on feeling.

* Utilize your strafe keys to aim and focus on timing your dodging properly. Can be somewhat forgotten when you’re slacking.

* Find a way to boost your adrenaline a bit and keep it at a steady level, focusing intensely and moving about in a slightly stressful manner usually does it for me.

* Don’t have you arm rest on the mousepad like a dead fish, keep it slightly tense so that you can respond to events in your surrounding within milliseconds. Scanning your environment decicively with your crosshair, so that it is allways were you’d expect an enemy to be is a good way to stay alert.

* Playing to much shouldn’t be an issue, as long as you get proper rest inbetween. Eat and sleep properly.

* Sort out your irl commitments. Playing when you know you should really be doing something else is a significant distraction.

* Exercise a few times a week, you’ll get less fatigued and find it easier to stay alert for longer periods of time. Makes you feel better, play better, sleep better.

I recognize this pattern. Having fun usually helps with all of the movement related tasks above. When the fun ceases, so does your attention and and alertness, you respond to events slower, less precisely and more or less on routine. Try to make it so that fun doesn’t factor into your performance by concentrating harder.

A few texts that emphasize the importance of concentration and mindset:

Chance’s Quake Bible: http://www.myeg.net/article/article_detail.php?article_id=281
Playing to Win: http://www.sirlin.net/ptw
A Book of Five Rings: http://samuraiconsulting.ca/5rings/ (if you’re into abstracting concepts from the simular field of samurai combat/strategy)

That concludes my wall of text.

Last edited by ell,



And, of course I had to forget about it, the most important thing.

If you don’t want to play the bloody game, don’t play it.

link: i’d add that here as well http://etf2l.org/forum/general/topic-10838/
Quoted from ell

A Book of Five Rings: http://samuraiconsulting.ca/5rings/ (if you’re into abstracting concepts from the simular field of samurai combat/strategy)


Last edited by freshmeatt,

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