Can I safely leave my team without it poofing?
Created 13th September 2010 @ 08:06
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I hate to be a last-minute guy, but things just aren’t working in my favor and I’d like to quit my team. However, since I created it, I’m unsure if it would say the team dropped from the tournament or not. Will they be okay if I do?
Quoted from Renhet
I hate to be a last-minute guy, but things just aren’t working in my favor and I’d like to quit my team. However, since I created it, I’m unsure if it would say the team dropped from the tournament or not. Will they be okay if I do?
Yes, make sure you give someone leader rights so they don’t have to faff around to get it before organising games.
I predict this to be the first of many …
Quoted from Turbo
I predict this to be the first of many …
Yes and not just people leaving and losing interest…teams dropping too, stuff just happens like this.
Least he had the courtesy to make sure his team survived.
Hey, when it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t work out. Shit happens. They get really psyched up about having a team and stuff, and when they start playing a few games, and probably subsequently losing, they get mad, and disband/leave.
Same with 6 vs 6 teams fold every week, and this is on a much bigger scale so i would assume 9 vs 9 would be even harder to hold together.
In this case, it isn’t a rage quit. It’s a sudden internet access issue.
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