Pldx recording tool don't work.
Created 29th August 2010 @ 19:02
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My pldx recording tool get crashed( 1.0.3) and I had to restart my computer, then when I want to start the normal Tf2 it comes in with the normal window options but with the pldx menu( later I reinstalled, and it now works ) and when i want to start the tf2 with the recording tool it gives me an error with : “It can’t copy the files, because thoose are exists”.
Can you tell me where should be theese files what’d I delete?
where did you extract the pldx folder/files ?
Does anyone know what happens? I really feel the same. I need to record please.
Oks. But a friend speak wiht Salmon and he doesnt know the answer. I am going to speak with him.
I’m having exactly the same problem :s. And to answer your question Binge, where are you supposed to extract them to?
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