
Quick HUD help

Created 3rd August 2010 @ 12:54

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Working on my own personal hud. I want the ubercharge meter and ubercharge value to stop flashing. Let me know whether or not it is possible to disable the flashing and if it is, how? (No hissy fits or personal opinions on HUDs please.)



its possible.
go to scripts.hudanimations_tf.txt and search for something similar to this:

// Flash the medic charge hud when we have full charge

event HudMedicCharged
Animate ChargeLabel FgColor "White" Linear 0.0 0.08
Animate ChargeLabel FgColor "White" Linear 0.12 0.26

Animate ChargeMeter FgColor "White" Linear 0.0 0.08
Animate ChargeMeter FgColor "HudIcon_Green" Linear 0.12 0.26

RunEvent HudMedicChargedLoop 0.36

// call to loop HudHealthBonusPulse
event HudMedicChargedLoop
RunEvent HudMedicCharged 0.0

event HudMedicChargedStop
StopEvent HudMedicCharged 0.0
StopEvent HudMedicChargedLoop 0.0

Animate ChargeLabel FgColor "TanLight" Linear 0.0 0.0001
Animate ChargeMeter FgColor "TanLight" Linear 0.0 0.0001

then delete it all



Worked perfectly. Thank you very much. Thread can be closed/deleted if wanted.

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