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Cant download any maps

Created 21st June 2010 @ 18:39

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well good day there,
seeing that I have not been able to fix it myself, the problem is described in the title.
When connecting to any server which offers a map to download, I disconnect with

Missing map maps/NAME.bsp, disconnecting
Host_Error: Disconnected

which is starting to piss me off.
What I’ve tried:
net_maxfilesize is high enough
cl_allowdownload is 1
cl_downloadfilter is default “all”, tried nosounds and none and changing it too.
DMZ does not help it, nor does port forwarding 27000 to 27050
When (after disconnect) I check in the console for”sv_downloadurl”, it shows the correct downloadurl of the server which i usually enter in the browser :X
any ideas?

edit: the title says maps, and it’s meant quite literally: Custom sounds and other shizzle loads fine.

Last edited by Waebi,



Perhaps the servers just dont have download enabled…?



“When (after disconnect) I check in the console for”sv_downloadurl”, it shows the correct downloadurl of the server which i usually enter in the browser :X”

As I said, I CAN download materials and sound files which are also on the fastdownload server most likely. However, it stops as soon as it should load the map.



go options -> multiplayer bottom right –>allow all custom files from server



thanks baerbel, but that is basically a switch for cl_downloadfilter which I’ve changed many times till now.

When joining the server, it first gets the sounds and materials just fine from the fastdownload server, so I dont understand why it’s unable to download the MAP :X
edit: reinstalling, though i doubt it’ll help :X

Last edited by Waebi,



net_filesize ?



actually it is net_maxfilesize and it only affects the host, not the client.
Reinstall didn’t help it, sounds still load, maps wont.

Spike Himself


Does the console print anything useful?



Quoted from Nigh

net_filesize ?

that’s server side.



i know it sounds silly, but please check that multiplayer options, i had the same problem as you and fixed it by selecting download all :)



Quoted from baerbel

i know it sounds silly, but please check that multiplayer options, i had the same problem as you and fixed it by selecting download all :)

Quoted from Waebi

cl_downloadfilter is default “all”, tried nosounds and none and changing it too.



my gf has the same problem with her TF2, she can download all sounds materials, same as you, but cannot download custom maps :/

She actually has a problem where she can’t use the steam browser without getting an error etc.

Not sure if the problems are related or not but still.



check if your map folder is read only for some reason. Alternate remove it and try.

Last edited by wer,



Quoted from baerbel

i know it sounds silly, but please check that multiplayer options, i had the same problem as you and fixed it by selecting download all :)

as i said, it’s just a switch for cl_downloadfilter, but for you i’ve tried it again :P neither cl_downloadfilter “all”, “nosounds” nor the switch helps it. Sounds and materials work though, but the sounds ARE affected by cl_downloadfilter “nosounds”.

edit: whole tf folder is read-write now. didn’t help it.

Last edited by Waebi,


Quoted from Waebi

“When (after disconnect) I check in the console for”sv_downloadurl”, it shows the correct downloadurl of the server which i usually enter in the browser :X”

As I said, I CAN download materials and sound files which are also on the fastdownload server most likely. However, it stops as soon as it should load the map.

is the map defenitly located at the “sv_downloadurl” location?

you’d get missing map if said map is installed on the server, but has not been uploaded to the fastdownload server

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