
MJ dead :o

Created 25th June 2009 @ 23:24

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is good!

“Perhaps the best thing about Jackson’s death is he will be remembered by all generations as a joke.

Tonight, there will be millions of people wondering why people are making such a big deal about his death. They luckily will never know him for being perhaps the greatest nutjob this world has ever seen.”




Rumours of Mr Jackson dieing of a heart attack are false, he died in the childs ward having a stroke!



MJ is a legend and no pop artist these days can come close to him. RIP



micheal jackson has always said he wants to be cremated and his ashes put in an etchasketch so that kids can still play with him.

Tapley ❤


MJ has cancelled all his upcoming dates. They were Sam (aged 9) and Thomas (Aged 11)



MJ has cancelled all his upcoming dates. They were Sam (aged 9) and Thomas (Aged 11)

Nice creativity, you just made a joke that some have been on 4chan.


MJ has cancelled all his upcoming dates. They were Sam (aged 9) and Thomas (Aged 11)

Nice creativity, you just made a joke that some have been on 4chan.

i lol’d :P


Fairly sure theres millions of idiots google searching ‘michael jackson jokes’ to tell their friends, trying to be funny.




micheal jackson has always said he wants to be cremated and his ashes put in an etchasketch so that kids can still play with him.


Tapley ❤


MJ has cancelled all his upcoming dates. They were Sam (aged 9) and Thomas (Aged 11)

Nice creativity, you just made a joke that some have been on 4chan.

I think all the jokes here have been recycled frog boy? Ever think of that? Tu mere cest la petit dejourner.



Rumours of Mr Jackson dieing of a heart attack are false, he died in the childs ward having a stroke!

oh god bob, you didn’t just do that.


According to Web Usage Associates (and Public Notary), the following ten Michael Jackson Jokes are the most popular with Americans.

Q: What’s the difference between Michael Jackson and a grocery bag?
A: One is white, made out of plastic, and dangerous for kids to play with and the other you carry your groceries in.

Q: How can you tell if Michael Jackson has a hot date?
A: There’s a big wheel parked outside his house.

Q: Why does Michael Jackson like twenty eight year olds?
A: Because there are twenty of them.

Q: Who does Michael Jackson consider a Perfect “10″?
A: Two 5 year olds.

Q: How does Michael Jackson pick his nose?
A: From a catalogue.

Q: Why did Michael Jackson place a phone call to Boyz-2-Men??
A: He thought it was a delivery service.

Q: What has 18 balls and 3 pubic hairs?
A: A Michael Jackson slumber party.

Q: Did you know they’re putting out a Michael Jackson stamp?
A: Fans get to vote for the white or black Michael Jackson.

Q: What’s brown and often found in a baby’s diaper?
A: Michael Jackson’s hand.

Edit: A fun site.

An example:

Q: Why was Michael Jackson spotted at K-Mart?
A: He heard boys’ pants were half-off !!

Q: What do Michael Jackson and a Big Mac have in common?
A: They’re both 30 year old meat between 10 year old buns!

A confused nine year old boy goes up to his mother and asks, “Is God male or female?” After thinking for a moment, his mother responds, “Well, God is both male and female.”This confuses the little boy so he asks, “Is God blackor white?””Well, God is both black and white.”This further confuses the boy so he asks, “Is God gay or straight?”At this the mother is getting concerned, but answers none the less, “Honey, God is both gay and straight.”At this, the boy’s face lights up with understanding and he triumphantly asks, “Is God Michael Jackson?”


R.I.P :’/



Don’t worry hofven, at least he’s recyclable : >.


MJ has cancelled all his upcoming dates. They were Sam (aged 9) and Thomas (Aged 11)

Nice creativity, you just made a joke that some have been on 4chan.

I think all the jokes here have been recycled frog boy? Ever think of that? Tu mere cest la petit dejourner.

Your French is about as bad as his English :p

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