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Created 1st April 2022 @ 23:53

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It has been a long time since I had been active within TF2 community, but in these rough times where Russia has invaded Ukraine, I have been actively trying to help out Ukraine here in Lithuania.

It all started with a trip to Lviv in Ukraine, with few friends we travelled there to deliver vehicle with loads of humanitarian support (i.e. medicine, diesel, baby food, fishing net for camouflage).

Now the demand of local contacts that take care of humanitarian support in Ukraine has increased. More support is needed.

Within the same group of people we made our first trip, we decided to start gathering money in order to buy two jeeps for the solders, bring more medical support, diesel, generators, tactical equipment and so on.

Hence I decided to try our luck here.

Our whole communication is in Lithuanian language and the only thing I can share is video link from our first little trip and then a PayPal account, where all of the donations will be used to support Ukraine.

Right now our goal is 15k EUR, currently we have collected over 100 EUR and the support is needed right now.

If any of you feel like helping out by spreading this information to friends or to donate yourself, that would be very much appreciated.

PayPal donation link: https://www.paypal.me/juliusdavidonis

Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBV2Nn_ZY2M




So far we have raised over 150 EUR! Thank you for donations!


I thought that ETF2L was out of political stuff.


Quoted from vice

I thought that ETF2L was out of political stuff.

It is reality :)



Ukraine don’t need money, it needs OIL and people. Anyway F.9 rule.

UPD: I also wonder why would the guy who was inactive for 4 years on forums pop up with unknown PayPal. Everyone can easily find official ways to donate Ukrainian government.

Last edited by Exe_Red,


As a Lithuanian I am proud of what we’re doing for Ukraine.
But ETF2L is not the place for politics.



etf2l is place that’s away from politics and this shit is still not deleted.4 years of inactive and now you’re showing up with unknown PayPal, not the official way to support Ukraine and people really send money to you. That’s so dumb. in my vision you’re just trying to earn free money from confiding people



ho ho ho , no

Last edited by Sweet,


Quoted from wxnted

etf2l is place that’s away from politics and this shit is still not deleted.4 years of inactive and now you’re showing up with unknown PayPal, not the official way to support Ukraine and people really send money to you. That’s so dumb. in my vision you’re just trying to earn free money from confiding people

I’ve been part of the community since you weren’t born I would assume and I don’t think you have organized lan and offline events like I did. The list goes on, but I don’t have time to bother with comments like yours. I’m only doing this once, just so others can read it as well. Inactive doesn’t mean not active. You don’t know what is happening over in Ukraine, you don’t know what my country is like when russians are closeby. So please, avoid comments like these, instead of spreading total bullshit, spread the word, help the world and make it a better place. I’m sad that after quitting TF2, there are people like you, honestly. If your family or friends would have died in this non-sense war, you would talk completely different, stay silent and support the country. Now you are not helping anyone.

Last edited by huhystah,


Quoted from Exe_Red

Ukraine don’t need money, it needs OIL and people. Anyway F.9 rule.

UPD: I also wonder why would the guy who was inactive for 4 years on forums pop up with unknown PayPal. Everyone can easily find official ways to donate Ukrainian government.

Exactly, that’s why with the fund we are buying jeeps for the solders, humanitarian support for local casulties, military equipment and so on. We are supporting them with things, actual help, not words.


If anyone still has any questions if this is fake or scam, please, just have a look at our fund page on Facebook.


Use google translator, translate everything. We have raised over 4200 EUR to this moment, it’s heartbreaking to hear such words that I’m trying to steal someone elses money…



Quoted from huhystah

If anyone still has any questions if this is fake or scam, please, just have a look at our fund page on Facebook.


Use google translator, translate everything. We have raised over 4200 EUR to this moment, it’s heartbreaking to hear such words that I’m trying to steal someone elses money…

Also, cope + seethe + mald + stfu + no dick + no balls + no father figure

Last edited by Sweet,



Thank you for this, huhy. Makes me feel better about our community.
Don’t pay much attention to russians in this thread, either they’re kids who don’t know any better, or they need to vent because of their increasingly difficult lives.
I don’t see it as politics but as a community effort. And after all, TF2 is still afloat mostly due to community efforts not dissimilar to this.



I am not against the support of civilians in Ukraine. I just saw that a person was inactive for 4 years, because of which I thought that this was a way to get some money on a hype. I did not know that there is a team of volunteers who have been helping people for a long time before huhy sent a Facebook link.

UPD: Idk how my eyes missed that: “we decided to start gathering money in order to buy two jeeps for the solders, bring more medical support, diesel, generators, tactical equipment and so on.”, that’s literally supporting a war lmao, but from other side. I would better look like an asshole, rather than being a messiah. NATO left UA alone, if you will spend money to continue a war – more deaths. You can blame me because I’m a Russian, but that’s my point, not being a childish.

Last edited by Exe_Red,

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