
P2S - Anything From Amazon For Free

Created 25th May 2009 @ 14:04

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Hey guys, around a month ago I found this site, where basically, you fill out little surveys and they credit you with points to be spent at Amazon (but only Amazon though).

You do like 1 or 2 surveys a day, spending 5 mins on each, and over time it all adds up. Ive been doing it for around 20 days now and I’ve racked up $30 – just leaving it in my account waiting for the next good game to be released, so I get it for FREE!
It ain’t quite minimum wage, but it’s easy to do just a few a day and get the points totalling up over time. If you were in a rush, I guess you could even go mental and put some serious hours in but I can’t be arsed with that :P
There’s even a games section so you just steal points from other users in gun games if you can’t even be arsed to do the surveys, and most of them have shocking aim :>

I don’t know if any of you are interested, but if you are heres a link. Unfortantely its for UK US or Canadians only though :/


advertising yay


Then dude don’t follow it? It’s just a thing on the side some people might be interested in, if your not whats the issue?



free munies from referring people! YAY!

Tapley ❤


ban the cunt, he blates just wants referalls when people sign up, probably gets $2 or something ;/ or just change his link to instead if he really cares about us and not referring people ;).


Yeah i get 50p per signup (from their site), it costs you nothing and you could get games for free yourself. Don’t see all this emo bs, you benefit, I benefit, if your not interested then dont worry. Wheres the hassle?

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