
Post your inventory!

Created 24th May 2009 @ 15:26

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toasty is a wanker.

Assault Marine Sigh

last night we wereabout to play a match. when Voiz our medic got a hat and weapon. Crink who was going to merc was moaning as he didnt have the bow, then he got the bow and a hat. a few seconds later they both got more hats and weapons.

We were like no way … you gotta be taking the piss, using a command ive seen people do. They swore they had them, this proceeded to happen and now voiz has 6 hats and crink has a few too. We watched them change them in spawn. Ill see if I can get them to post their invs.

Anyway im posting this so you can tell them they are lucky bastards and to die in a fire !!


Want to sell:

4 Ambassadors
2 Axtinguishers
1 Flare
1 Ubersaw
3 Kritzkrieg edit: +1 = 4.
3 Blutsauger edit: +2 = 5.
2 Bonk! Atomic Punch edit: + 1 = 3.
1 jarate
5 Razorbacks edit: +1 = 6.
5 Nataschas edit: +3 = 8.
4 Sandman edit: +3 = 7.
4 Sandvich
2 Force a Nature
1 Backburner edit: +1 = 2.
Total: 54

After 54 items, the Huntsman finally came into my possession.

Tip: The more you whine, the better the chance is that you’ll get it :P

Tapley ❤


i’ve got 4 FaN’s and 1 blutsager.
The whole system is fucking wank -_-. Instead of gridning achievements or actually achieveing them normally, the only way to do it now is just go idle on a server? Whats the point in that…



+1 tapley,

I left my laptop on all night, to awake to a sandvich! So fun!



Tapley angwy :<



deleted all my duplicates

only new shit i got was the two new spy watches, fucking valve :@


+1 tapley,

I left my laptop on all night, to awake to a sandvich! So fun!

Dont you dare whine :| you have like 5 hats… I have one razerback…



lol eoN!! I could feel your rage this morning when you joined and told us it had disconnected during the night!! ouchies!



6x blutsaugers
5x axe
4x flare
3x KGB
3x kritz
etc i just want my bow and stop idling :((


The one thing that really really pisses me off is the fact that Valve said somewhere (cant remember where) that dying and not knowing what caused it and not knowing how you could of done something different to stop it pisses people off, they wanted to make it so you could look back and improve but they put a roll the dice system like this in? It makes no sense. Where is the feeling of accomplishment when you get all the items or all the hats, its just luck? Its like getting a lucky crit on a pub that kills someone, it makes you laugh but it takes 0 skill and just causes the other person to get pissed off…

Valve need to learn that people want control when they play games and they want to earn items because they completed objectives not because they idled on a server for a week.



[…] the only way to do it now is just go idle on a server? Whats the point in that…

TF2 had never such many hours “played”
VALVe love this
dunno if they thought about idle on a server




got all the hats at once so im guessing it was a server glitch somewhere

what server where u playing on ? :O



In a future update you will be able to trade items, so don’t delete your double items.

Unfortunately, all OLD items are available via achievement grinding (as of yesterday), therefore any OLD duplicates are 100% worthless. And everyone has them, anyway.

I could offer 100 OLD items up for trade in for the huntsman and i’d get laughed at.



I would trade my unique Huntsman for Jarate :)

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