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Top 5 Anime

Created 20th May 2016 @ 21:22

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I am horrified no one has even mentioned Prison School. And you call yourselves weaboos …

Last edited by Lupus,


la bamba

Quoted from sheepy dog's hand

I killed myself right after watching this show but ended up in some stupid afterlife with no memory of my past and a bunch of dumb anime chicks told me to help them with something stupid but then I realized I accidentally got stuck in the after life for people who were mentally retarded on earth and killed myself again so now i’m back here.

Implying that you are a retard.
Quoted from sheepy dog's hand

If I had a kawaii little anime sister i would violate her in every way you can imagine :3

Quoted from sheepy dog's hand

There’s nothing wrong with masturbating to a cartoon that looks like an 8 year old, It’s a fucking drawing.

Sheepy, do you ever stop and think about what others might think when you write this stuff?



One piece.



Quoted from YppY

Sheepy, do you ever stop and think about what others might think when you write this stuff?

Yes, the point of degenerate shitposting is to make others feel disgust or anger or any other negative emotion which is what gives Sheepy some purpose and enjoyment in life.

Carlos Kaiser

Quoted from Muuki

[…]Yes, the point of degenerate shitposting is to make others feel disgust or anger or any other negative emotion which is what gives Sheepy some purpose and enjoyment in life.

Which is totally wrong since reading retarded posts actually makes people feel positive emotions.
Also, the totally acknowledged irony.


Quoted from YppY

Sheepy, do you ever stop and think about what others might think when you write this stuff?

worst thing is, he’s never gonna get a forum ban or anything for admitting to jacking it to children because half the admins are on a team called loli squad and are probably doing the same thing


Quoted from Falcon0408


worst thing is, he’s never gonna get a forum ban or anything for admitting to jacking it to children because half the admins are on a team called loli squad and are probably doing the same thing

Neh, you don’t understand, Sheepy jacks off while thinking he is the little girl, big difference.



Quoted from Falcon0408


worst thing is, he’s never gonna get a forum ban or anything for admitting to jacking it to children because half the admins are on a team called loli squad and are probably doing the same thing

smh Admins


I’m gonna shit out a bunch more shows to watch depending on how edgy u feel cuz i’m bored
Moé moé kyun :
Lucky star
Rozen maiden
the melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Cromatie high school
strike witches
girls und panzer
sayonara zetsubou sensei
dude i’m feeling edgy, lemme see those frags
black lagoon
death note
tengen toppen guren lagann (the only good shounen next to)
one punch man


that anime that’s just wtf that gets recommended to you by that silent nice guy in school
Elven lied

Also if you are under 18 and hate anime it’s becuase you got told to do so by tumblr and reddit , becuase your puppetmasters get offended by tweets by people with anime avatars

Last edited by Sacrilege,

sheepy dog's hand

(Cutest boy in TF2)

Quoted from Falcon0408


worst thing is, he’s never gonna get a forum ban or anything for admitting to jacking it to children because half the admins are on a team called loli squad and are probably doing the same thing

Grow the fuck up. It’s a drawing of a little girl, no one is being hurt and it doesn’t bother anyone. If you want to judge the people to who make it and watch it then fine but as long as it’s just a drawing there’s nothing wrong with it as long as it stays 2D. It doesn’t affect you or anyone else in any way yet you people still get so fucking upset by it. Grow the fuck up and focus on the real problems in the world like actual child pornography.

Last edited by sheepy dog's hand,


Quoted from sheepy dog's hand

Grow the fuck up. It’s a drawing of a little girl, no one is being hurt and it doesn’t bother anyone. If you want to judge the people to who make it and watch it then fine but as long as it’s just a drawing there’s nothing wrong with it as long as it stays 2D. It doesn’t affect you or anyone else in any way yet you people still get so fucking upset by it. Grow the fuck up and focus on the real problems in the world like actual child pornography.

it bothers a lot of people lol, how blind and delusional are you? and yes i will be judging any kind of pedophile, weeb or not.



Quoted from sheepy dog's hand


Grow the fuck up. It’s a drawing of a little girl, no one is being hurt and it doesn’t bother anyone. If you want to judge the people to who make it and watch it then fine but as long as it’s just a drawing there’s nothing wrong with it as long as it stays 2D. It doesn’t affect you or anyone else in any way yet you people still get so fucking upset by it. Grow the fuck up and focus on the real problems in the world like actual child pornography.

Is there a difference between jokingly pretending to be a paedophile and actually being a paedophile? Either way Sheepy deserves to go straight into the gas chambers for this level of degeneracy.


Masturbating to little girls, be it a real kid or a drawing is sick and fucking wrong. And no, drawing huge tits on a 10 year olds body doesn’t count.


Quoted from sheepy dog's hand


Grow the fuck up.




Quoted from yak


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