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Overwatch - thoughts ?

Created 3rd May 2016 @ 21:58

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Lucio speedboost to get away from ults
Hide behind corners when you hear reaper or mccree’s ult
Shoot Junkrat’s tire

Ults are generally avoidable. Most of them have map-loud sounds that let you prepare accordingly. I’ve only had problems with Pharah’s and Tracer’s ult because they don’t give you time to prepare.

Overwatch is a fun orgy of cool effects and action


What’s with the old school players invading ETF2L forums all of the sudden O.o


Not bad for a free2play game, they should put ads during the loading/setting times, they’d make a shit load of money…. ah , I m beeing told that a p2p game, no thx !


It’s fun on pubs, but I can’t see myself playing this competitively. Really torn between buying and not buying the game actually.

sheepy dog's hand

(Cutest boy in TF2)

terrible game but im gonna end up playing it anyway

Carlos Kaiser

Quoted from Asaaj

Really torn between buying and not buying the game actually.

Quoted from kna

ah , I m beeing told that a p2p game, no thx !

How is that even an issue? Just like all big games it’s literally a game you either play for a night or for thousands of hours. They can double the price and the sales won’t be much lower since almost everyone who buys it expects to main that game.
Quoted from EmilioEstevez

Also what the fuck is this region shit. I can’t add people from USA to my friends list?

You can add them if you select the American region, but yeah, he wouldn’t show up if you’re logged in on EU. Pretty sure OW has a separate collection for each region as well just like in HS, and it’s actually a great marketing move.

san alex

I have been playing almost from the start of the closed beta and I would say it grows on you.
I usually get tired of games really fast. But with ow, I need to play it for weeks before i get tired of it.

Pubs may be boring without friends.

Ranked mode is good if you like competitive and grinding.

Real competitive its interesting yet really complex and frustrating. In dota/lol you know your opponents composition when the game starts. Here not only all heroes are avaible, they also can be stacked and everytime they die they can switch.

Counter the other team comp is really hard and it takes time get there.


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Fuxx

I’ve only had problems with Pharah’s and Tracer’s ult




Quoted from Scissors



Exactly, its so easy to deal with it….you are a fucking sitting duck :D.



Playing from time to time since november – but class balance is still worse than in Hearthstone.

Anyway, funny for pubbing with friends for 1-2 hours in a row, no more.


Dr. med.

I have played a bit now and it’s good fun for me more on the casual side. Like a TF2 pub, I suppose. I have to give it to Blizzard, they created a very smooth and elegant experience. The UI, menus etc. are on point.

I read somewhere this comparison, and I would like to agree:

Heroes of the Storm is to Dota 2 what Overwatch is to TF2.

Carlos Kaiser

Quoted from Selek

Heroes of the Storm is to Dota 2 what Overwatch is to TF2.

Judging from a pub perspective on both games: I can’t see a way OW is more casual/goofy than TF2, everyone seems to forget that 44% of TF2 classes are Medic/Heavy/Engi/Pyro

Quoted from CbIHoK

class balance is still worse than in Hearthstone

HS has been ridiculously healthy class balance wise during the last few expansions. In the LoE meta Druid was nowhere near overpowered and Midrange Shaman was absolutely playable in top legend and all classes are/were almost equally seen on all levels of play, contrary to the claims of some people that the top “X” decks are all they see on ladder.

Going back to the topic: In a team game class balance isn’t even neccessary! This may sound absurd, but TF2 never had the class balance in the first place, can you even compare the power levels of Medic/Demo to those of Spy/Engi? TF2 is literally a game where you can suicide your entire team on some maps to force an ability of a single character. Sacrificing a weaker class for a stronger one is a great trade. And despite that highlander is still alive and kicking, just because the game itself plays out well. When I’m playing pyro I’m not concerned that the demo deals way more damage than I do, I’m more concerned about the different power levels of all the classes and how they end up creating a fun game to play.

Do you remember the small period of time when they lowered the demoman power level and the game became simply cancer? Even though the classes were more balanced in that period, the metagame was stagnant and boring as hell, Valve then quickly realized that a healthy game is not neccessarily made of classes with similar power levels, but rather from the fun environment the different classes and their varied power levels create.






Quoted from Carlos Kaiser

Judging from a pub perspective on both games: I can’t see a way OW is more casual/goofy than TF2, everyone seems to forget that 44% of TF2 classes are Medic/Heavy/Engi/Pyro

HS has been ridiculously healthy class balance wise during the last few expansions. In the LoE meta Druid was nowhere near overpowered and Midrange Shaman was absolutely playable in top legend and all classes are/were almost equally seen on all levels of play, contrary to the claims of some people that the top “X” decks are all they see on ladder.

Going back to the topic: In a team game class balance isn’t even neccessary! This may sound absurd, but TF2 never had the class balance in the first place, can you even compare the power levels of Medic/Demo to those of Spy/Engi? TF2 is literally a game where you can suicide your entire team on some maps to force an ability of a single character. Sacrificing a weaker class for a stronger one is a great trade. And despite that highlander is still alive and kicking, just because the game itself plays out well. When I’m playing pyro I’m not concerned that the demo deals way more damage than I do, I’m more concerned about the different power levels of all the classes and how they end up creating a fun game to play.

Do you remember the small period of time when they lowered the demoman power level and the game became simply cancer? Even though the classes were more balanced in that period, the metagame was stagnant and boring as hell, Valve then quickly realized that a healthy game is not neccessarily made of classes with similar power levels, but rather from the fun environment the different classes and their varied power levels create.

I’m not going to talk about anything else you’ve said but the main reason it was cancer is because scout became extremely OP during that time. They’re still probably the most powerful class at a high level but during that time it was insane.

Carlos Kaiser

Quoted from konr

[…]I’m not going to talk about anything else you’ve said but the main reason it was cancer is because scout became extremely OP during that time. They’re still probably the most powerful class at a high level but during that time it was insane.

The overall team damage output was significantly lowered, and that wasn’t reflected on the overall team health, which made pushing arguably harder. Just by watching streams it was obvious that the game was stalematy like never before. I wasn’t crazy enough to calculate the average amount of rounds won during a single map, but I can swear it was significantly lower than before.

And moving forward to the gamemode I’m more familiar with: if you didn’t get the sap or the engi frag, level 3 sentry guns were basically immune, there’s not much more to talk about. The average time of payload pushes was raised by minutes.

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