Star Wars: The Force Awakens HYPE
Created 20th October 2015 @ 17:00
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Quoted from Funs
He means the hilt thing (the two bits on the sides that come out)
Crossguards make sense tbh
Quoted from Russian Guyovich
Crossguards make sense tbh
That’s the one
I used to be massively into Star Wars but that has faded over time. I don’t really have any expextations, I’m going to watch and hopefully it will be good.
i just want it to be cool. even the first three movies weren’t _amazing_ as movies but they were pretty fucking cool. i mean we could end up with an average film that tries to be all artsy instead of just an awesome movie, kinda like fury road. if it does what mad max did, or even half of it, it’ll be sick.
Last edited by Hallow,
Quoted from fraac
Trailer reminds me of Star Trek 2009. Will be an entertaining film with little substance, JJ style. Star Wars fans are lucky he isn’t directing the next one.
Yup, JJ Abrams still didnt redeem himself after the farce that was Lost. I guess people are right tho in saying that he can’t possibly do worse than Lucas on ep1-3.
Trailer looked amazing, but trailers will be trailers.
oh and anyone who says anything positive about ep1-3 is an idiot, doesn’t know his movies, and has no taste, OBJECTIVELY
Last edited by skeej,
Quoted from skeej
Yup, JJ Abrams still didnt redeem himself after the farce that was Lost. I guess people are right tho in saying that he can’t possibly do worse than Lucas on ep1-3.
Trailer looked amazing, but trailers will be trailers.
oh and anyone who says anything positive about ep1-3 is an idiot, doesn’t know his movies, and has no taste, OBJECTIVELY
You tell me you didnt like the fight scene between Obi Wan and Qui Gon Ginn Vs Darth Maul???
Quoted from damneasy
You tell me you didnt like the fight scene between Obi Wan and Qui Gon Ginn Vs Darth Maul???
Quoted from Funs
You aren’t human.
Most people don’t seem to have any major qualms with the first Matrix movie, even though both Episode 1 and The Matrix were released in the same year and suffer from the same kind of issues. The difference I feel between them is that people thought Star Wars had to match up to a pre-established tone from the originals, and the fact that they didn’t do it means that it got labelled as a failure. The Matrix didn’t have that issue, and it was only during the later films that people began to catch onto the flaws that were always present in the first movie, just on a lesser scale.
I still like all six Star Wars movies, and I still think the originals are superior movies for their overall tone and impact. But I feel the prequels are more of a victim of timing, and that the flaws with the movies are blown out of proportion to express disappointment.
Quoted from Hallow
matrix wss at least well written, while ep 1 wouldn’t pass as a kindergarden assignment (Matrix spoilers if you haven’t seen it by the way)
Not to say that the prequels were well written, but underneath the philosophy of The Matrix lies some pretty dumb stuff.
difference between the two being that matrix is dumb going from a to b. ep 1 is dumb going from ????? to eventually “anakin almost dying and becoming vader”. that was always the intention of the prequels and they didnt have enough actual plot to make good movies.
i guess the matrix equivalent would’ve been if the wachowskis had gone “hey, a guy dodging bullets in slow motion would be pretty cool, let’s make a weird snail rabbit thing talk for the remaining 1 hour 59 minutes.”
Quoted from damneasy
You tell me you didnt like the fight scene between Obi Wan and Qui Gon Ginn Vs Darth Maul???
The problem with the saber fights in the prequels is that they are over-choreographed. They’re visually impressive, but they don’t tell a story the same way the fights in the original trilogy do. Look at the way Vader casually fights one-handed at the start of the duel in Empire, and then the speed with which he ends the fight after Luke actually gets a hit in. Look at Luke’s loss of temper in Jedi when Vader threatens to turn Leia. Then compare Obi-Wan’s supposed loss of temper after Qui-Gonn dies, and the sterility of the fight that follows.
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