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A quick survey on cyber bullying

Created 15th April 2015 @ 16:07

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Quoted from Arcticcu

2) Have you experienced cyber-bullying?

No, because I don’t use online services that require me to identify myself.

Who is Arcticcu?


Last edited by Freakie,



Luckily, there is this : http://www.international-relations.com/History/Stoics.htm .

So it’s hard to take something so petty any seriously.

Also if you have nudes leaked of you, maybe you shouldnt have given the person who leaked them your nudes? Luckily i’ve never been stalked before, my mother had to deal with that when she was young and the person who did tried to kill himself in front of her face and it certainly isn’t something pleasant to recall.


Quoted from Freakie


Who is Arcticcu?


could be behind your window right now. better watch your back


Quoted from Morphine

Hello! I’m in my 2nd year of Psychology and as part of my assessment – I am looking Social identity model of deindividuation effects (SIDE). Fancy term for “the effect of being anonymous in group behaviour”/ How does being anonymous on the internet affect the way people behave in a group?

I’m focusing a little bit more on cyber-bullying. My research guideline calls for forum posts as a method of acquiring data – share your opinion here! You don’t need to answer every question – just whatever you feel like sharing.

1) What is your definition of cyber-bullying?
2) Have you experienced cyber-bullying?
3) In your opinion, how different is cyber-bullying from traditional bullying
4) Do you feel that cyber-bullying is a problem in the community? (TF2)
5) If anonymity on the internet was removed, do you think it will effect cyber-bullying?

Edit: Forgot to mention, your usernames won’t be used. I’ll name you as P1, P2, P3, etc.

1. Cyber bullying in my opinion is any form of continued harassment with intent to hurt or harm through the usage of electronic devices, social media or other forms of communication. So yeah the obvious things like Facebook, SMS, ETF2L slaw kappa.

2. Yes – through school peers mainly – there was a time where I went through some harassment and bullying on IM. It was mainly annoying just because it was what they would turn to rather than saying it straight to me in real life.

3. Cyber bullying can be just as bad as non-cyber bullying honestly. The anonymity that comes along with the internet can really let a person’s worst side come out, which can be a pretty horrible thing in some cases. Not knowing who is bullying you or what they are capable of can be both worrying and hurtful.

4. As far as I’ve experienced, I haven’t really come across much “bullying” as such in the TF2 community, especially ETF2L itself. As said, annoying people can be dealt with I suppose.

5. Sure it would. A lot of the bullying that goes down online is through people that are too afraid to show their names and faces, so they hide behind an anon alias or proxy themselves up. If anonymity was gone somehow then people would probably be more careful with what they say, just due to the possible consequences of people finding out it was them.
Overall cyber bullying would still be a big thing though. Of course there is still plenty of non-anonymous bullying online.



Quoted from antso the helper


r u for real



Nice necro

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