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A quick survey on cyber bullying

Created 15th April 2015 @ 16:07

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(Cat Enthusiast)

Hello! I’m in my 2nd year of Psychology and as part of my assessment – I am looking Social identity model of deindividuation effects (SIDE). Fancy term for “the effect of being anonymous in group behaviour”/ How does being anonymous on the internet affect the way people behave in a group?

I’m focusing a little bit more on cyber-bullying. My research guideline calls for forum posts as a method of acquiring data – share your opinion here! You don’t need to answer every question – just whatever you feel like sharing.

1) What is your definition of cyber-bullying?
2) Have you experienced cyber-bullying?
3) In your opinion, how different is cyber-bullying from traditional bullying
4) Do you feel that cyber-bullying is a problem in the community? (TF2)
5) If anonymity on the internet was removed, do you think it will effect cyber-bullying?

Edit: Forgot to mention, your usernames won’t be used. I’ll name you as P1, P2, P3, etc.

Last edited by Morphine,


(Legendary Ratehacks)

cyberbullying in my opinion is harrassing a single person/group via social platforms facebook/forums/ingame chat even
To define what cyber bullying actually is and what not kinda depends on the mental state of the victim eg.
As a german pretty much wherever i go on the internet i get to hear the usual sieg heil omg nazi germany kinda stuff, since my ego and self confidence is inflated as fuck i dont really take it personal, if i was in a weaker state dealing with different kinds of harrassment like racism etc it might be quite bad.
I personally dont think that the tf2 scene is any different to other gaming communities you can find assholes everywhere abd once again its probably a small edge between cyberbullying and banter.
I also dont think that anonymity is a huge factor, you can find anyone bullying you already but to actually punish them by law etc is not really a thing yet and i doubt that will change soon.



Quoted from Morphine

Hello! I’m in my 2nd year of Psychology and as part of my assessment – I am looking Social identity model of deindividuation effects (SIDE). Fancy term for “the effect of being anonymous in group behaviour”/ How does being anonymous on the internet affect the way people behave in a group?

I’m focusing a little bit more on cyber-bullying. My research guideline calls for forum posts as a method of acquiring data – share your opinion here! You don’t need to answer every question – just whatever you feel like sharing.

1) What is your definition of cyber-bullying?
2) Have you experienced cyber-bullying?
3) In your opinion, how different is cyber-bullying from traditional bullying
4) Do you feel that cyber-bullying is a problem in the community? (TF2)
5) If anonymity on the internet was removed, do you think it will effect cyber-bullying?

1) People insulting other people over the internet as a group.

2) I guess I both got “cyber-bullied” and I myself took part in cyber-bullying but for me, it is such a minor thing that I couldn’t care less.

3) Well for once its hard to get away from bullies irl. Plus you know who they are which can both be good and bad. If you get cyber-bullied then its really easy. All you have to do is close the computer or just straight up ignore. Just ignoring people on the internet really rustles the bullies jimmies. However if you ignore the bully at school, chances are you are going to get your ass kicked so there’s no consequence for cyber-bullying unless you fuck with a ddos’er or a hacker or smth (or a guy from the navy seals Kappa)

4) There’s this sheep mentality in the etf2l community where no matter how stupid you sound, you are going to get backed up if you have a good number of people. But the thing is, if you get witch hunted by a big chunk of the community then you probably fucked up incredibly bad.

5) It would effect cyber bullying but only by a small margin. If anonymity would be removed then there would be more reason to bully someone. You might just pick on his appearance or smth like that.



Some call it Cyber bullying. I call it Top banter.


Quoted from Morphine

1) What is your definition of cyber-bullying?
2) Have you experienced cyber-bullying?
3) In your opinion, how different is cyber-bullying from traditional bullying
4) Do you feel that cyber-bullying is a problem in the community? (TF2)
5) If anonymity on the internet was removed, do you think it will effect cyber-bullying?

1) For me it’s one of the methods to make fun (aka Troll) people and bait them into huge scandals/arguments thus making them look like huge idiots, at the same time amusing yourself and your friends by laughing at the person’s reaction. In other words, cyber-bullying is just a regular way to troll people.

2) Yes, but never took them that seriously.

3) You are free to cyber-bully anyone Online and get away with it with No/Minor consequences, while in real life, if you bully someone, the person who you bullied knows who you are and can use that against you, for example call the police or even worse – murder you.

4) People call each other names and say pretty rude stuff all the time, so Yes.

5) If you mean: No Anonymity = Your personal Info (real name, country/place you live in, age, etc.) will be shown to everyone, then yes, people would be more careful with what they say online, last thing you want to see in your Mail Box is a threat forwarded towards you.


Quoted from Morphine

Hello! I’m in my 2nd year of Psychology and as part of my assessment – I am looking Social identity model of deindividuation effects (SIDE). Fancy term for “the effect of being anonymous in group behaviour”/ How does being anonymous on the internet affect the way people behave in a group?

I’m focusing a little bit more on cyber-bullying. My research guideline calls for forum posts as a method of acquiring data – share your opinion here! You don’t need to answer every question – just whatever you feel like sharing.

1) What is your definition of cyber-bullying?
2) Have you experienced cyber-bullying?
3) In your opinion, how different is cyber-bullying from traditional bullying
4) Do you feel that cyber-bullying is a problem in the community? (TF2)
5) If anonymity on the internet was removed, do you think it will effect cyber-bullying?

Edit: Forgot to mention, your usernames won’t be used. I’ll name you as P1, P2, P3, etc.

1) Same as irl bullying, persistence of abuse(variance), to one particular individual. When you have friends within your group, and you are bullied from outside it, you never feel as if you are bullied, as you have your friends to make you feel different otherwise.
2) Yes
3) Cyber bullying has the same cause and effect as irl bullying, the only exception is, it’s much harder to get something done about it physically over the interwebz. I.e. if you are getting bullied in school you can tell teachers/headmaster and they’ll monitor and so on, with the internet it’s not quite caught up with e-police and the whole cyber-bullying factor yet.
4) Not overly, you get it in any community for a game, there have been a few bullies come and gone and have been stomped out just either by the sheer power of cj’ers or the stoner’s corner who think TF2 is lyf etc…
5) Yes and no, so you know from whom the abuse is coming from GREAT! again goes back to my point, then what? tell the e-police which is where? If there is such a service it’s not a very visible service. Have to ask yourself as to why there isn’t such a service, because it’s hard to mitigate and manage the requests and trolls you’d get on the internet and follow up the accusation.




Quoted from Morphine

Hello! I’m in my 2nd year of Psychology and as part of my assessment – I am looking Social identity model of deindividuation effects (SIDE). Fancy term for “the effect of being anonymous in group behaviour”/ How does being anonymous on the internet affect the way people behave in a group?

I’m focusing a little bit more on cyber-bullying. My research guideline calls for forum posts as a method of acquiring data – share your opinion here! You don’t need to answer every question – just whatever you feel like sharing.

1) What is your definition of cyber-bullying?
2) Have you experienced cyber-bullying?
3) In your opinion, how different is cyber-bullying from traditional bullying
4) Do you feel that cyber-bullying is a problem in the community? (TF2)
5) If anonymity on the internet was removed, do you think it will effect cyber-bullying?

Edit: Forgot to mention, your usernames won’t be used. I’ll name you as P1, P2, P3, etc.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha – Tyler, The Creator


Quoted from Morphine

1) What is your definition of cyber-bullying?
2) Have you experienced cyber-bullying?
3) In your opinion, how different is cyber-bullying from traditional bullying
4) Do you feel that cyber-bullying is a problem in the community? (TF2)
5) If anonymity on the internet was removed, do you think it will effect cyber-bullying?

Edit: Forgot to mention, your usernames won’t be used. I’ll name you as P1, P2, P3, etc.

1) I’d define cyber-bullying as continued harassment to an individual or group via an electronic apparatus (computer, phone, tablet, etc). It is very possible for cyber-bullying to be interpreted as such no matter the perpetrator’s motives or sincerity, so long as it reaches the above criteria.
2) Yes, both in terms to do with real-life (via Facebook) and exclusively online (via message boards and communities).
3) Not as different as one would presume. It still involves the same characteristics of possessing a bully and a victim, and both develop after consistent harassment, not one encounter. However, cyber bullying can present new methods for the bully to harass his victim, such as publishing humiliating information or media, or “griefing” via video games, as well as presenting anonymity to the perpetrator as an incentive.
4) Somewhat in the competitive community. Given the wide range of individuals that play this game at a competitive level, conflict is almost a guarantee, which can swiftly develop into cyber-bullying. I wouldn’t say I’ve been harassed or bullied in the competitive community by one group or person, but I’ve most certainly had issues with certain groups or people, and have been upset at people’s actions and words on more than one occasion.
5) No. People still have the liberty to bully others in real-life where there is little to no anonymity, so removing on the internet would far from remove the problem. If anything, it would have the potential to escalate it, as the victims are now more vulnerable than ever.

Good luck with your research.



Quoted from Morphine

1) What is your definition of cyber-bullying?
2) Have you experienced cyber-bullying?
3) In your opinion, how different is cyber-bullying from traditional bullying
4) Do you feel that cyber-bullying is a problem in the community? (TF2)
5) If anonymity on the internet was removed, do you think it will effect cyber-bullying?

1) Cyberbulying isn’t much different than normal bullying, also word bullying make it sound less serious than actually is. It allows harmless information to spread faster and to bigger communities using technology.

2) No I didn’t experienced it myself, but it’s a common thing, multiple stories about it are in Internet.

3) It’s not so much different, many of cyberbullying cases are similar to regular bullying, done by actual people known by victims like ex-partners, people from school etc. It’s just allow social media, to spread gossips or harmless intel to much more people, allows also to be done from hiding.
4) Cyberbullyin in my opinion isn’t so powerful in any online community, because it takes gaining some personal data of other people, there were couple of nude pics dramas in the past so it could count as cyberbullying but without personal information like names, place of live, so it really didn’t do any harm outside tf2 community and people seem care less about opinion from people they don’t really know.

5)No it wouldn’t help as facebook excludes anonimity and still people can use it to spread information arround. Also even irl bullying happens behind the scene, it’s not always so obvious someone is being threaten. Spying on people wouldn’t make a difference and only way to prevent bullying or rather deal with effects of bullying by caring about people arround.



Quoted from Morphine

1) What is your definition of cyber-bullying?
2) Have you experienced cyber-bullying?
3) In your opinion, how different is cyber-bullying from traditional bullying
4) Do you feel that cyber-bullying is a problem in the community? (TF2)
5) If anonymity on the internet was removed, do you think it will effect cyber-bullying?
Edit: Forgot to mention, your usernames won’t be used. I’ll name you as P1, P2, P3, etc.

1) Verbally harassing someone, threatening.
2) Yes, so many times in fact, that after the first few I just stopped caring.
3) If you’re kid or a teenager there is no difference. Young people usually tend to be more sensitive so if they get harassed on the internet they take it as hard as they would if it happened in real life.
4) Against newer players, absolutely. Higher skilled players who’re still children in terms of age would take every chance to bully “the newbies”, I’ve seen it plenty of times on these forums in the last five years.
5) Not the ones that bully people in real life on a daily basis as well, but definitely those who do it “for the laughs”.



Theres been some shitty episodes in the TF2 community. There’s been several people having nude pictures of them passed around and harassed for it, which would pretty clearly be sexual harassment in real life but online people just think its “banter”.

1) What is your definition of cyber-bullying?
Harassing someone with the intent of causing them grief using a forum, mail or PM methods

2) Have you experienced cyber-bullying?
not to myself but I have had to help people who have been.

3) In your opinion, how different is cyber-bullying from traditional bullying
Not much, same type of behavior can be found. From hurtful messages up to digging up personal information and using that to stalk and harass someone.

4) Do you feel that cyber-bullying is a problem in the community? (TF2)
Could be, depends on the method used and the specific sub-set of the community. on ETF2L or center we’ve had some cases and were able to resolve it fairly quickly. But most bullying happens using PM’s so getting a grasp of whatever happens there is always dependant on what is reported.

5) If anonymity on the internet was removed, do you think it will effect cyber-bullying?
Pretty stupid question because there is no guaranteed way to get a total un-anonymised system working. There will be ways by using fake IDs and proxy services.

But if you want a pragmatical answer, it depends on how it was policed. In it’s current form: it would lessen the amount of public personal attacks, but on the total scope of bullying, nope.



Quoted from EmilioEstevez

Theres been some shitty episodes in the TF2 community. There’s been several people having nude pictures of them passed around and harassed for it, which would pretty clearly be sexual harassment in real life but online people just think its “banter”.

To be fair, in at least one of these cases that certain person voluntarily passed around those pictures to dozens of people through a public sharing site making it legally available to anyone interested.



Quoted from skooby


Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha – Tyler, The Creator

lol I was gonna say that as well


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from jackkai

Some call it Cyber bullying. I call it Top banter.

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