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Ebola reached phillipines and morroco. Is it happening?

Created 4th August 2014 @ 11:17

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Quoted from torrit

Quoted from T0m

youre all fucking idiots.

british master race doesn’t give a fuck about viruses

muh nhs

You should, knowing plague kissed London a few times. :P


I know, I was being sarcastic
England is a great country to live in (apart from all the chavs and other lowlife scum) as long as you don’t actually catch any diseases, cause if you do then boy, are you totally fucked


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from torrit

I know, I was being sarcastic
England is a great country to live in (apart from all the chavs and other lowlife scum) as long as you don’t actually catch any diseases, cause if you do then boy, are you totally fucked

no its not, its a fucking shithole



Why the fuck would anyone give a shit about Africa. Like, I get that we’re all for humanity and shit, but humans aren’t born equal. America gives a shit because the doctors were american, and they weren’t going to risk sending down more doctors to get infected so they can cure a few hundreds poverty-living unknown humans that may or may not die within the next year anyway.

Not saying that this is how it should be, but this is how it is.


surprising how many people who keep saying that youre safe as long as youre not in direct contact with victims…… The virus may not be truly airborne, but tiny droplets from a sneeze can travel through the air and infect you when you inhale, and its also extremely good at surviving on surfaces touched by victims for up to several days.
This means that you can get infected even BEFORE the guy who infected you’s symptoms start showing, and the victim doesnt have to be near you. It doesnt seem like there is any certain knowledge about exactly how far the droplets can travel.

Any country that voluntarily brings in infected people are running a big risk, and the only reasonable thing to do right now would be to close of all flights and borders to countries with Ebola issues. But of course that wont happen, because huur durr muh monies!!!1

The outbreak is more dangerous than youre being told, dont believe everything you hear on the news and from politicians. When a good 2-3 weeks have passed, we will truly see how bad the outbreak is/can become, but until then you should remain critical of everything that any media or politician says about the disease. They wanna avoid panic, so their credibility isnt high.


EDIT: heres also a source on the fact that ebola can survive for many days outside its host: http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/lab-bio/res/psds-ftss/ebola-eng.php

Last edited by Freddy,


Quoted from Marty

Why the fuck would anyone give a shit about Africa. Like, I get that we’re all for humanity and shit, but humans aren’t born equal. America gives a shit because the doctors were american, and they weren’t going to risk sending down more doctors to get infected so they can cure a few hundreds poverty-living unknown humans that may or may not die within the next year anyway.

Not saying that this is how it should be, but this is how it is.

m8, nobody said we should give a shit about Africa
people have to die in order for others to survive, and I honestly don’t give a fuck if it’s africans or anyone else, as long as it’s not me
it’s not like Africa is a continent that ever mattered to anyone or something


Quoted from T0m


no its not, its a fucking shithole

u fokin wot m9 u wana fite or sumtin


Quoted from torrit


people have to die in order for others to survive, and I honestly don’t give a fuck if it’s africans or anyone else, as long as it’s not me

wtf is wrong with you


Quoted from Jaakarhu


wtf is wrong with you

nothing’s wrong with me, the world can’t sustain 7 billion people, and I’d rather have some poor-ass desert people go than some of the most intelligent people on Earth


Good news everybody! The nurse is not sick: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/22/world/europe/maria-teresa-romero-ramos-tests-negative-for-ebola.html?_r=0



why bump this shit ass thread


Quoted from torrit

I know, I was being sarcastic
England is a great country to live in (apart from all the chavs and other lowlife scum) as long as you don’t actually catch any diseases, cause if you do then boy, are you totally fucked

28 days later <3


Quoted from Marty

Why the fuck would anyone give a shit about Africa. Like, I get that we’re all for humanity and shit, but humans aren’t born equal. America gives a shit because the doctors were american, and they weren’t going to risk sending down more doctors to get infected so they can cure a few hundreds poverty-living unknown humans that may or may not die within the next year anyway.

Not saying that this is how it should be, but this is how it is.

If we dont contain it in africa, it will spread to imperivm evropa.



I’m glad this thread got bumped, I could read how retarded marty actually is



Quoted from torrit


m8, nobody said we should give a shit about Africa
people have to die in order for others to survive, and I honestly don’t give a fuck if it’s africans or anyone else, as long as it’s not me
it’s not like Africa is a continent that ever mattered to anyone or something

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