Runescape enthusiast megathread v1.78
Created 2nd August 2014 @ 00:27
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Clive, you spending your formative years on the internet swindling people on runescape makes a lot of sense.
Also thanks for subbing etc.
Quoted from Sideshow
trimming rune armour for 2k
You say this as a joke but I remember when I was in Lumbridge once and I had my rune platebody but it was missing something. Some guy offered to trim it for me, but he stole it and I completely lost it. I wouldn’t joke about things like that because that has brought a lot of memories up that I wish would stay forgotten. Just think about what you say next time Josh.
Quoted from Shellfish Clive
You say this as a joke but I remember when I was in Lumbridge once and I had my rune platebody but it was missing something. Some guy offered to trim it for me, but he stole it and I completely lost it. I wouldn’t joke about things like that because that has brought a lot of memories up that I wish would stay forgotten. Just think about what you say next time Josh.
I remember I was saving up for a Magic Robe which was trimmed Gold for like 2 months, I was so happy that I got it. The next day I got scammed and I was very sad
Can we let this thread die?
Quoted from CHERRY
Can we let this thread die?
you can just ignore the thread if you’re not a runescape_enthusiast
Checked my account yesterday. Still have my Saradomin armour :^)
Still ballin’ like it was 2007.
Quoted from CHERRY
Can we let this thread die?
you could just lock it…
flash3:shake:DROP PARTYYYYY@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@!!!!!!!!!
only if i pole danced to my mix would have got so many views :( ah well head of my unis pole dancing society and proud nice work on your vid
ez skins
i had full rune g
i was a real gangster
Hello, my name is Alexandre, I wanted to share my story about how Runescape saved my life. I’m using a throwaway because my girlfriend knows my main account and I’ve told her I haven’t played in years.
I was born in a city in Russia called Nizhny Novgorod, grew up with a middle class family. My next door neighbor was British and their family had a son my age and we become good friends. Every time I went over to his house I saw him playing this game, Runescape. I was always pretty mesmerized by what he was doing but I didn’t really know what was going on because the whole thing was in English.
I asked if there was a Russian version and he got down to explaining the very basics of the game and I learned that there was no way of playing Runescape in a non-latin based language (And to my knowledge, this is still true). So for a while I just watched because I thought it was so cool. Eventually he asked me to play even though my 8 year old self knew less English than my pets. Runescape is so addicting that my 8 year old self got past this language barrier and played intensively for the next year, getting up to level 55 in just a year
A few months later, my alcoholic father came home one night in an angry drunken rage and beat my mother to death. The police came and he’s now in jail for the rest of his life. This was obviously very traumatic for me. I was an only child and now I had no parents. I was certain I would end up like my classmate that lived in an orphanage who would tell stories all the time about how they would beat him all the time and not be allowed to do anything. Even my 10 year old self knew how terrible Russia was. I could read and write in English and told me that it qualified me to go to America for adoption.
So of course I was ecstatic. I ended up in an orphanage in South Florida where I would spend the next 8 years of my life. I never got adopted which was okay with me because they took really good care of us. I now go to college and still play Runescape to this day. (Albeit now I play oldschool)
So if I had never gotten into Runescape, I’d be in some dump in the middle of Russia, probably in some gang with no future and because I did, I now have a world of opportunity for me. Perhaps I continue to play because I almost feel a sense of owing my life to this game.
Last edited by san alex,
someone please explain this thread
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