HL Nations Cup Promo
Created 20th June 2014 @ 18:11
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such epic
only pro have this
lik dis if u cry evrtim :>
Last edited by san alex,
Axtinguisher nerf is actually deserved, because now Light classes have a chance to survive 1 hit, unlike before, where you would die regardless of an Overheal.
Powerjack master race, the minigun nerf is mostly irrelevant and I already see HL demos going big with grenade launcher primary in scrims and mixes. TF2 will be fine.
Quoted from Popcorp
Axtinguisher nerf is actually deserved, because now Light classes have a chance to survive 1 hit, unlike before, where you would die regardless of an Overheal.
1) You’re pretty bloody stupid if you get close enough to a pyro as a light class
2) You’re PRETTY BLOODY STUPID if you think he wouldn’t have killed you anyway in the same amount of time if he’d just W+M1 instead
Quoted from Fuxx
1) You’re pretty bloody stupid if you get close enough to a pyro as a light class
Airblast Scout.
Scoped-in Sniper.
Quoted from Fuxx
[…]2) You’re PRETTY BLOODY STUPID if you think he wouldn’t have killed you anyway in the same amount of time if he’d just W+M1 instead
More time for other players to react and save.
Last edited by Freakie,
Quoted from 4hp
Powerjack master race, the minigun nerf is mostly irrelevant and I already see HL demos going big with grenade launcher primary in scrims and mixes. TF2 will be fine.
how would demos take down the sentry then ? put 3 sticks wait 2 secs and start firing pipes ? its way harder to kill buffed sentry and heavy .
edit: and until you are waiting 2secs a good engi will take his level 3 sentry and goes away even without demo doing nothing
Last edited by turkuaz,
Quoted from Freakie
Airblast Scout.
Scoped-in Sniper.[…]
More time for other players to react and save.
Spy is acceptable, scout isn’t
Scoped Sniper? Come on Freakie don’t pull my leg here.
And as for the latter, only if they use the degreaser really… which is funny because I’m pretty sure the weapon was introduced specifically so puff & sting could be made more popular.
Quoted from Popcorp
Axtinguisher nerf is actually deserved, because now Light classes have a chance to survive 1 hit, unlike before, where you would die regardless of an Overheal.
it’s not true because axe would still 1-hit-kill anyone below 125 hp. Had a mini-crit hit on a 150 hp engy yesterday and he survived
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