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Created 4th August 2013 @ 00:58

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Quoted from Dummy

is k
embrace it
reverto Stark: “Im not autistic”
reverto Stark: etf2l updates avatars
reverto Stark: turns out he has a fluttershy avatar
reverto Stark: ?????
reverto Stark: what is self awareness


Quoted from niak

ikke snakk med henne, utenom når hun snakker til deg. Ikke engasjer deg som før i hva hun snakker om . Gjør noe som ikke er forventet av deg , starte og trene ell no ?
vær små overlegen. Så kommer hun tilbake om noen månder.

bytt hug life med thug life så er hun back :P

haha <3

Last edited by fishyard,



Quoted from Dummy

is k
embrace it
reverto Stark: “Im not autistic”
reverto Stark: etf2l updates avatars
reverto Stark: turns out he has a fluttershy avatar
reverto Stark: ?????
reverto Stark: what is self awareness




ITT: Guys who have never even had a girlfriend giving relationship advice.

What Ace said in the first reply fits though, it’s a process and it will take time.
Being “friends” is not necessarily bad, but please do take care you’re not just being exploited the easy way, if you feel it’s one-sided just leave it be, no point in trying to force something. (Or you can learn it the hard way and still try and become a bitter sod like me.)


Quoted from fishyard






Quoted from Dummy

is k
embrace it
reverto Stark: “Im not autistic”
reverto Stark: etf2l updates avatars
reverto Stark: turns out he has a fluttershy avatar
reverto Stark: ?????
reverto Stark: what is self awareness


fishyard have you ever considered that MLP might have something to do with it

Quoted from Sylosin



fishyard have you ever considered that MLP might have something to do with it

What is MLP?


Quoted from niak

ikke snakk med henne, utenom når hun snakker til deg. Ikke engasjer deg som før i hva hun snakker om . Gjør noe som ikke er forventet av deg , starte og trene ell no ?
vær små overlegen. Så kommer hun tilbake om noen månder.

bytt hug life med thug life så er hun back :P

e-thug life best thug life

Quoted from Ace


e-thug life best thug life



i recommend porn :)

Quoted from juan

i recommend porn :)

But I already do that.


UbeR |

Holy shit this is pathetic


Quoted from Vlijm

Holy shit this is pathetic

Thinking the exact same thing…



Quoted from fishyard

Anyone on ETF2L who has experienced rejection and knows hwo to deal with it?

first of all, snap out of ur “brony period” cuz girls aint looking for faggots nowadays


Your problem reminds me of one of mine. I’ve asked her about being a couple, she refused me because we’ve been the best friends for too long and she didn’t want to lose that friendship if the relationship wouldn’t have lasted. That was like 1 and a half year ago. We’re still the best friends and I talk to her about girls, and she does the same to me regarding boys. Well, now I have a gf so I don’t talk about girls with her anymore ’cause they two are really close friends.
After a long long time of being fully romantic to girls I’ve discovered that being normal to them works better, lol. Well, with the majority of them. A bit of romanticism isn’t that bad here and there, tho’. I’m an awkward guy and I’m not scared of showing that to my gf as she is an awkward person, too. We really get on together after being friends for some time. And yea, the best advice you find everywhere. Don’t hurry up with showing your feelings or desires to a girl. First get as close as you can, you’ll feel when the right moment of asking that girl comes.
<love 101

tl;dr: If you feel like you can’t hold on being her friend, just be honest to her and “quit” that job. You have all the time in the world to find the right girl, christ’s sake.
PS: For all the guys here that think this is quite funny, I wanna see how you get on with a girl when you go on a date. I’m pretty sure all of you had problems like his before and this isn’t funny at all, as it might get frustrating for the person in cause after some time.

Last edited by lawrence,



God damn I wish Pirate Radio was on.

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