
arma II (DayZ)

Created 6th June 2012 @ 12:29

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Why be cheap on 4 euros

Quoted from Ghostface

Why be cheap on 4 euros

You’re kidding right



Quoted from Chaplain

How many times… If you buy combined operations then YOU ARE WASTING MONEY. Go arma 2 free and buy operation arrowhead, so much better value

Only issue is the horrible textures…

Quoted from Daleth


Only issue is the horrible textures…

I’ve seen both and didnt notice the texture difference, and atm its £8 difference.



Not really no. Get a ruskie to buy it for you. It’s cheaper in Motherland Steam.



Yesterday/Earlier this morning was so crazy. We got an offroad pickup but ended up crashing it and we didn’t have any spare wheels. Later on, me, Tapley and Sean were leaving Krashinostav when we saw a jeep coming down the road. I guess they saw us too because they ran the jeep onto the hill. We stupidly started sprinting towards them but they already had tonnes of cover and me and Tapley went down near instantly. Sean took one of them out but got knocked unconscious and was eventually killed when he started waking up.

kos logged off nearby so we told him to come on and steal the jeep. He spawned and ran straight for it, one of the guys spotted him and they started shooting. He got in the jeep, floored it down the road and successfully escaped.

However, as kos went to meet Sean at Msta, he got shot by a couple of guys who were already in town. They took the jeep and disappeared into the forest. :(

A little bit later on, me, Michael, Sean and Extremer were approaching Berenzino from the south west when we heard shots fired. We eventually figured they were coming from the military tents at the far side of town. We decided to get Michael to a deer stand so he’d have a good view over us as we went in. But before we could start our raid, Sean and I went down to a sniper in within seconds of each other. Extremer zig-zag’d the fuck out of there and Michael stayed in the deer stand. It seemed like the guy had just disconnected. A few minutes later, the guy showed up again and Michael was able to hit him twice, but he got Extremer. The guy was still running around and managed to get close to Michael and pop him in the face. Ridiculous 4man.

Some time later Raymon and I were chilling in Cherno trying to kill some peeps. We were camped at the top of that massive metal staircase. I spotted someone in the distance and hit them twice in the stomach, but I guess they just disconnected or something. Bastard.
We had a little look around town and saw someone on the roof on an apartment. We sneaked in up close and Raymon got a nice kill on him. We saw another guy inside so we trapped him in and camped on the stairs for a while. The guy that Raymon killed must have spawned in Cherno because he got back into the apartment without any weapons, so I murdered the fucker. More camping ensued…
Eventually we decide to just go for it, but unfortunately for Raymon the guy was camping at the top of the ladder, Raymon died immediately. I looted Raymon’s corpse for his MP5 SD and tried to slowly make my way up, but the asshole lagged and shot me through the staircase somehow. RIP me and Raymon.

Around 10 minutes later I decided to meet up with Sean in Cherno. I got back to the apartments and looted my corpse (I guess they had better weapons) and Sean and I just decided to chill out in the apartments for a while. I saw someone climbing up the hospital and ran to the ladder to stop him from coming down. Sean took himout with a nice shot and I climbed up to loot. I went up to the top of the roof just to have a look around the town (dumb move) and got sniped. Here’s my glitched out body scared the shit out of me later on when I climbed back up.

After I died I got a spawn on the western side of Prigorodky so I decided to run to the apartments. At this point, Sean has been in a fight with some other guys but they seemed to have disappeared when I arrived. Raymon was in Cherno when I got back, sniping from the tall building we were camping in earlier. The two guys that Sean saw started climbing up on the roof of the hospital. After some shooting Raymon managed to kill one of them but the other disappeared. I climbed up the ladder to investigate (OHSHIT oh it’s my dead body) and there was nobody there. I could hear the flies of the corpse but no corpse to be seen. I climbed down the other ladder and Raymon asked if it was me climbing down. I said yes, but as I was climbing down I assumed Raymon was still at the top of the hospital. When I got to the ground I saw someone next to me. he scoped in on me and before I could even utter words for confirmation by Raymon, I unloaded M1911 on him, thinking it was sniper number two. RIP in peace Raymon.

After that, Sean and I decided to go and camp in the apartments. He staed at the top floor of one of them and I was proning at the top of another. After a while of nothing happening I decided to roll around on the roof. I glitched out somehow near the ledge and crawled back to the ladder so I could stand up safely. But when I stood up I teleported to the edge of the roof and tumbled to my death. When I got back to the apartments, Sean did the exact same thing and his corpse landed right next to mine.

After that, we decided to just run back to our HQ and log off for a bit. Later on I met up with Raymon and Cook in Elektro and we started popping off on everything in sight. We went to loot the supermarket and I got shot in the leg when I was walking in. Raymon spotted him and eventually managed to kill him. After lots more popping and micspamming we decided to move to Cherno and nothing particularly interesting happened there.

Best game ever.



i have dmr, 15mags sniping stary/cherno/electro come at me. currently on 26man kill streak 2 ease game.



My interest is piqued over this game. If I set up an ETF2L server, would people actually use it?

Quoted from Skyride

My interest is piqued over this game. If I set up an ETF2L server, would people actually use it?



(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Skyride

My interest is piqued over this game. If I set up an ETF2L server, would people actually use it?

Depends really, I like to play with randomers because it’s more amusing to kill them.

Tapley ❤


Quoted from Skyride

My interest is piqued over this game. If I set up an ETF2L server, would people actually use it?

As long as your box can host a 50 man server than i’d say go for it, get it whitelisted by BIS and put on the central server. Also make it Hardcore settings and set to a #uk number so you get the most foot traffic from randomers to kill.



Anyone want to play now? I’m completely new to Dayz :D.



Anyone near Elektro? I am north of the city at the Topolka Dam, got broken legs and lost a lot of blood… so I´m in desperate need of some morphine and maybe bloodbags, but just beeing able to walk again would be nice

worst and best game



Quoted from Nuck

Anyone near Elektro? I am north of the city at the Topolka Dam, got broken legs and lost a lot of blood… so I´m in desperate need of some morphine and maybe bloodbags, but just beeing able to walk again would be nice

Right I’m going to share this bug with you guys as a little neat trick. It’s probably been patched im still on old version atm.

If you have camo/ghillie you can just switch clothing back and forth to mend broken legs. I know… it’s awesome.

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