
Korean Starcraft with english shoutcasting

Created 18th January 2009 @ 02:01

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If you cant get enough of sc, cover alot of proleague games. Daniel Lee is the next best thing after Tasteless.

SuperDanielMan wooo! :D


RaWr ::

commentators down the left hand side.
Violetak account is for dual commentaries and because it’s a director account, it can upload videos > 10 mins. The other accounts are personal accounts for single commentaries.

Good commentators include:

Moletrap (funny, commentates action well).
Cholera (gets annoying after a while, but if you are listening to your first few casts, he’s good).
Diggity (soothing voice, doesn’t scream but lets you know what he’s going).
Klazart (talks at the speed of light, great commentator though slightly inactive).
Rise (New york accent, knows his stuff, great commentator).



Of course it’ll take off in Europe Wlv, but as usual we’ll all be fucking gash at it and the Koreans will get all the money :D


<— pro SC2 player right there

Tapley ❤


Whats all the hype with starcraft? :) Speaking from a non-fan point of view it just seems like some dodgey androgynous looking kids from korea playing a 10 year old game?

Is it like people still playing Quake1 where its a sense of this is what started the online genre(fps) like starcraft (rts).
Or is it really the most skilled game out there?

yep, it is. control, calmness and mindwork is over 9000.


It’s the most demanding game out there in every way. Even physically. Also, it’s nearly perfect from a spectators point of view with it’s clarity and fast pace.


If you look at it from a neutral perspective, it may seem quite perplexing. In the RTS scene the ergonomics for the games has increased tenfold over the decade, we are given many tools to allow us to control the game more efficiently.


one of starcrafts pro aspects is the fact that it HAS outdated and what would be considered ‘poor’ ( :P ) and being able to control the game the way that the pro’s do requires a HUGE amount of effort through human-computer-interface. Some people will disagree that in RTS all the skill focus should be about what you control in the game and not how you control it. Nevertheless its an impressive display of skill.

That may sound like a negative argument, and in the ‘dumbest’ way of putting it would be: yea, starcraft handles like a bad game, but that makes it PRO

IMO, although i love pro starcraft, it does upset me somewhat that there is this huge emphasis on interface skill rather than just gameplay skill (trust me theres still an overwhelming amount of gameplay skill in there too)

It upsets me because in the case of people with similar problems to me, its almost discriminatory that in starcraft esports you have to use these interfaces, putting disabled people at a disadvantage at a pastime that used to be favoured to them.


RaWr ::

The game itself is quite easy to understand from a spectators point of view. This is prooven by the fact that 75%+ of the audience for a pro league game are female and probably have never played the game. It is perfectly balanced, all 3 races beat each other frequently and not just against one race (Z beats T and P… P beats Z and T etc…). It’s the little things that make the game so interesting to watch, for example.

(I was going to post a load of plays that make the game exciting, but instead i think you should just watch through this playlist).

Click ‘Play all’ down the right hand side.

Description of each:

#1 Nada a pro player shows how to micro a control group of medic and marines. Bare in mind if any of those lurkers (the burrowing unit) hits 2 direct hits on his force, it would probably all die. He’s avoiding the lurker spines as they come out, hard to describe, easy to understand :)

#2 Boxer sends in an army to try and take down the zerg players hatchery. It fails but the hatchery is weak. He then casts defence matrix on just 2 marines (DM is a shield that causes units to do 1 damage to target for a limited amount of damage). The 2 marines manage to take down the hatchery. Very well calculated and probably a little insane!

#3 quite impressive goliath micro vs a tonne of mutalisks, moving them out of range, letting them shoot, moving them again. It’s simple to do, but if he didn’t do it, he would have lost all, or most of his gols.

#4 a set example of marine micro vs lurkers (video #1 used this but in a real situation)

#5 Boxer lures the enemies dragoons out with a single tank, then goes for a flank with a few vultures, using spider mines to block the enemy dragoons from helping his probes out. Bare in mind, vultures cost 75 minerals each, probes cost 50 minerals each, dragoons are 125 minerals, 50 gas. So your vultres only need to kill about 4 probes to make their money back, but the enemy also loses mining time (as they need to rebuild the probes). This is a very cost effective harrass.

#6 The protoss player moves his dark templar into a mine field, the splash damage from the mines take out half of the enemy army. Bare in mind, the enemy place those mines, so he kind of screwed himself.

#7 Boxer again, uses lockdown (a skill rarely used because of the cost of learning it and buying ghosts which are not very cost effective) to take down a fleet of battle cruisers. Next clip he floats some barracks over to the enemy base and starts to rape!

#8 Allied mines. A move that is now illegal in starcraft, but at the time it wasn’t. Basically you would ally with the enemy secretly so that your spider mines wouldn’t attack him when his units walked over them… Once the enemy is right above all your mines, you would un-ally him, and the mines would kill his whole army. It’s fun to do on battlenet ;p

#9 Psi storms raping zerg

#10 Pure amazing psi storms

#11 Hold or Stop lurkers, It’s where you force your lurkers not to attack (actually a bug but accepted) by telling them to attack an enemy building thats far away and in the fog of war. When the terran moved in to attack the zerg, he had no idea there were lurkers there (they are burrowed and you need scans or other detection to see them). When the marines got right on top of them, he hit the ‘stop’ command which stopped the lurkers from attacking the building that is too far away, and the lurkers completely destroyed the terran’s army in a matter of seconds.

#12 another example of stop lurkers. the 2 on the ramp are not ‘stopped’ the 2 below the ramp are stopped. The terran organises his army to advance up the ramp (it takes good micro to get up a ramp with lurkers on top, you have to send some marines ahead to take the fire, and then the rest of your army goes up with a comsat scan to kill them. While he was organising, the 2 at the bottom were ‘unstopped’ and he got owned.

#13 More stop lurkers.

#14 You’ve seen how powerful lurkers can be, with a bit of micro and dodging, a small group quickly kills 5 of them.

#15 Quickly morphs an egg to stop the enemy zerglings running by.

#16 An AMAZING play, protoss uses dark archons (red ones) to use a skill called maelstrom which holds the enemy units in position for a few seconds. He then sends in archons and corsairs (which deal splash damage) to kill all of the units, as well as psi storms and his carrier fleet to back him up. Opponent calls GG after losing the army.

#17 The protoss player had made a wall to stop this kind of vulture harrass. Boxer groups his vultures and places a mine. Once the mine has been laid, the vulture is displaced a little which pushes him through the wall and into the mineral lines where he inflicts significant economic damage.

#18 He steels all of the enemies carriers using mind control (a skill rarely used as it uses so much energy and costs a lot).

#19 Nal_ra hallucinates his arbitors (it makes 2 fake copies of the units) so the enemy can’t target fire the real ones. The fake ones also take the turret damage. He then double recalls his army inside the enemy’s base.

and yea, there are more, watch them :)
This is why the game owns.


^And seeing as how while doing all of that they are keeping up with building workers and ordering them to mine at number of expansions, expanding further, building more units, keeping up with tech/supply/production buildings, keeping up with scouting and various other things. That means that basically you’re ALWAYS in a hurry and never have enough time to keep track of absolutely everything. The plays that Arx linked are mostly made amazing by the simple fact that they 1) actually have the micro skills to pull them off 2) keep up with their macromanagement while performing these tricks. An average player, even with the skill to pull such things off as marine splits will soon find themselves banking 3000 minerals from 2-3 bases and subsequently being rolled over by his opponent who used his time for creating a larger army.

Also the fact that noone can perfectly master every aspect leads to each player developing his own distinct style of play. Boxer, while a low APM player, would get the most out of every single unit he had; his micromanagement was unparalled, sAviOr used to have the ability to completely control what his enemy was doing and anticipate his every move, and iloveoov would outproduce anyone who tried to go in to lategame against him. These three are just a few examples, and I picked them because they dominated the scene at their peak.

Just a few thoughts from someone who has actually played the damn thing too ;P.


There wasn’t any GOMTV today due to korean new year or something, next week it will be the last semi final between the protoss players JangBi and free. Here’s a nice game for your starcraft abstinense :D ->


Tomorrow at 10.00 CET the two protoss players free and JangBi will play. The winner goes on to play Bisu in the final next week. gogo free o/


i cant wait, we need to get tasteless to shoutout #etf2l

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