Worst thing you've done when raging
Created 12th February 2011 @ 01:30
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Not really tf2 related but when i used to play on the PS1 (lolsopro) i had a game called Lego Racers, remember failing the last boss so much and getting so pissed off i just snapped my disk in half… Went a bought it the next day and won.. worth it so much
Quoted from Jaskey
Not really tf2 related but when i used to play on the PS1 (lolsopro) i had a game called Lego Racers, remember failing the last boss so much and getting so pissed off i just snapped my disk in half… Went a bought it the next day and won.. worth it so much
You mean the race against rocket racers? SO EZ
your mum
Quoted from Setlet
You mean the race against rocket racers? SO EZ
omfg I need to play this again! amazing game!
Quoted from sno
I slammed my fist on my desk so my pc crashed and had to restart in the middle of a match >.>
same happend to me the only differnece was that my brother was hitting the table ^^
Shot myself with a BB gun, MISSED myself cuz bad, hit the pc, broke it, got more mad and circumcised myself _again_
Quoted from dougiie
omfg I need to play this again! amazing game!
Lego Island mate, why didn’t we :(
Quoted from bìester
same happend to me the only differnece was that my brother was hitting the table ^^
Rofl what the are you doing . Mad ripple :7
Quoted from Retsh0ck
Shot myself with a BB gun, MISSED myself cuz bad, hit the pc, broke it, got more mad and circumcised myself _again_
we had a GoT meeting, where a teammember shot a bb-gun.. and because of the ‘huge’ recoil, the gun gave him a black eye. So I understand your pain.
deactivate the in-game chat
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