

Created 10th January 2011 @ 03:59

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This thread should be called TF2 related cakes.

Srsly, the idea of a TF2 cake didn’t cross my mind once in my entire life when considering what cake I want to eat.

If you’re considering creating a TF2 related cake, taste is just as important as how it looks. It cannot be overstated that a good bakery is capable of frosting a cake with icing so that it shows no hint of the flavor of the cake if that is the desired effect so do not allow that concern to impact the conclusion.

Choose fondant for a perfectly smooth look. This is a more expensive option both because of the cost to make and of the extra skill and labor required to be able to successfully work with the fondant but it allows the baker to do things that can’t otherwise be done on a cake.

One of the more popular exotic icing choices that gives the cake designer plenty of options is ganache. This rich icing can be a real treat if it fits into the design style of the cake.

Although clear examples of the difference between cake and bread are easy to find, the precise classification has always been elusive. For example, banana bread may be properly considered either a quick bread or a cake.

In ancient Rome, basic bread dough was sometimes enriched with butter, eggs, and honey, which produced a sweet and cake-like baked good. Latin poet Ovid refers to the birthday of him and his brother with party and cake in his first book of exile, Tristia.

Early cakes in England were also essentially bread: the most obvious differences between a “cake” and “bread” were the round, flat shape of the cakes, and the cooking method, which turned cakes over once while cooking, while bread was left upright throughout the baking process.



Quoted from Tapley ❤


Yep thats the one! I remember a friend request coming through and having that as the profile pic and without seeing who it was just immediatly declining, i was worried it was Nightbox again.

Jesus, that was back when Akill was active…



I think everyone here is just purely interested in the design of cakes, and generally all cake tastes good so no one actually doubts its taste, unless you went to a crappy bakery.

On the other hand, SANDVICH CAKE IS WIN



damn… that sandvich cake

Last edited by Turbo,



Quoted from Warmaster


Has to be turbo with a headset…I mean..he mains medic, surely his parents know that!

My parents sit next to me while I play and praise me for air heals and uber saves :)

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