The well #6 - FB
Created 2nd December 2010 @ 08:24
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Quoted from LikeThis
Is there any teams you expect to see big things from in the next few seasons?
The top div1 teams if they manage to stick together.
Quoted from Kasuno
Are you willing to make the FB Family Tree or is it just a myth?
It’s the everlasting ‘under construction’ page, or the 5-year old ‘picture of the day’ of
I wouldn’t ruin it by changing it.
What’s the single most expensive item of photography equipment you own?
Quoted from Admirable
What’s the single most expensive item of photography equipment you own?
His 1DmkIII ofc. Unless he has some crazy 500mm prime.
Quoted from Admirable
What’s the single most expensive item of photography equipment you own?
Used to be the camera, a Canon 1D Mark III. But that’s steadily declining in value, so by now it’s my Canon 70-200 2.8L IS.
How does the team (especially Fisshu) stay devilishly handsome AND be good at TF2 at the same time?
Quoted from Shintaz
How does the team (especially Fisshu) stay devilishly handsome AND be good at TF2 at the same time?
Fisshu’s youth and elegance is infectious
Well i guess it’s not related to FB familly but maybe you know what happend to fragga? He deleted his YouTube account, re-named on ETF2L and steam.
He’s had some issues with the NA pug channel, guess he might be coming back to euro TF2.
Quoted from herpderp
Playing stoned vs Playing sober.
Playing stoned doesn’t really affect my game, but if we were playing an official that day I would try and hold off until afterwards. It is weird because drinking alcohol during/before a game is something I would never to; it completely ruins my aim.
+1 on the private talk key with your scout partner, this will improve team work without spamming the entire channel with information your heavy classes don’t need to hear.
Quoted from Arie
You’d think that’d be Chris, only he does these idiotic things like deinstalling DHCP so he has to spend all of i40 whining to the network admins for a static IP, failing, and reinstalling Windows.
As probably the friendliest team together in TF2 (nevermind just Top flight TF2), how you feel you manage to stick together and enjoy playing the as a team?
Last edited by Skyride,
Quoted from Fisshu
Playing stoned doesn’t really affect my game, but if we were playing an official that day I would try and hold off until afterwards.
Its funny how you are saying you are trying to hold off.
Quoted from morf
Will you take my appreciation-hug @ LAN for all the amazing stuff you’re doing for the community?
i’ll take a video :)
Quoted from Arie
I do all the server stuff, that takes a few hours in a busy week and maybe 15 minutes when nothing interesting has to be done.
Most of those hours are spend automating some stupid task like auto-zipping STV demos and publishing them, auto-zipping uploaded maps for fast download or making a webinterface for launching relays.
This saves me time later on, because now Exfane and TF2TV can launch relays themselves for example, instead of having to bug me to do it on the command line.The whole team helps with managing the Mumble. Until they lose their bloody mumble certs again.
Not to forget the hundreds of euros we put in every year!!! (it’s divided by 3 payers, but still)
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