
Movie Making Tips Thread

Created 15th October 2009 @ 16:30

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Hey guys, I know alot of people will be entering the PldX competition and new to move making, So i thought this would be a good idea for anybody to share any ideas, tips a tricks they might have found. Personally I’m also new to game movie making.

Couple of things ive found that might help you:

Stop Weapon Reload Spazing Out:
Ive noticed this when I was first recording my footage and in a couple of movies that have come out already. I don’t know why it happens but I do know how to fix it. If you put “cl_autoreload 0” into console before you start recording, then the weapon won’t spaz out. It will still reload as it should, but without the glitched animation (for example a demos hand shaking like a parkinsons sufferer after reloading the sticky launcher).

Stop players scripts from ruining the video:
Probably the one ive noticed this most useful is Jh’s demos. These are nightmare for it. In his config, he has it setup so that he has a different crosshair for SMG and Rifle, plus r_drawviewmodel 0 for the rifle. Obviously you can just set r_drawviewmodel 1 before recording but whenever he changes to SMG and back again, it goes back to 0. The only way to fix this is to create an alias to cover it. An alias is essentially a script stored in TF2’s memory rather than in a .cfg file, they are automatically deleted when you close TF2. So for example if you wanted to record one of Jh’s demos:

1) Find the part you want to record and pause
2) In console: r_drawviewmodel 1 , cl_crosshair_file “” (this will give default crosshair)
3) In console: alias “r_drawviewmodel” empty
4) In console: alias “cl_crosshair_file” empty
5) Record clip as normal

This will lock TF2 to whatever settings you did before the alias commands until you restart TF2. Remember you can do this for ANY console variable in TF2.

Thanks to Salmon for this, I noticed the PLDX config does this for a few things.

Stop a player being shot creating camera shake:
This is infinitely annoying if your trying to do a smooth, however theres actually a very simple but not particularly obvious way to get around it. When being shot at with ubercharge, you don’t get camera shake. So… if we could somehow artificially ubercharge the player, our problem would be solved? So do the following:

1) Find section you want to record
2) In console: sv_cheats 1 (if you haven’t already)
3) In console: addcond 5
4) Record as normal

This gives the player all the effects of an ubercharge except from the coloured border around the screen. It does make the weapon glow with ubercharge, but the only time you’d ever need to do this is if you are creating a smooth in which case you have probably made the weapon model and HUD invisible.

Hope that helps people, might be a little late to be a huge amount of help though.
Post your tips!

P.S. you can have ALOT of fun with that addcond command on an sv_cheats 1 server. Different numbers do different things, kritzkreig effect, sniper scope, Jarate effect, etc,,, ;)

Last edited by Skyride,


Hey dats!







not to be mean skyride but all “serious” editors probably does some research about things like this (except saiko, hes special)



not to be mean skyride but all “serious” editors probably does some research about things like this (except saiko, hes special)


It’ll be a help to people just getting started in moviemaking.



the pldx movie config addresses problems like these and some others as well. I’ll add cl_autoreload 0 to the config, didn’t know about it. Thanks for that skyride.



jh is shit + thanks for the tips



Hi, thank you for yours tips.

But I have a challenge for you, finally for those who want to try to resolve it.

I am the person who handles French top10, and other project for the French community. So far I have never had a problem to bypass the scripts and alias of players with very good pldx config for example. But a single player still resists me, I tried different methods and I still have not managed to circumvent its alias ( alias r_drawviewmodel in particular).

Here is a demo of this player is c@m!, Player of the French team, and Team Origin ‘. I always wanted to exploit his actions, but for the sake of perfection I can not do with a “r_drawviewmodel 0.

I kiss the person who can solve the annoying problem. ;)



try alias cl_bobcycle “empty” before playing the demo


jh is shit + thanks for the tips

Couldn’t have said it better.



Can anyone plz link me a movie hud ? i mean one without ammo and hp.

kthx =)



Can anyone plz link me a movie hud ? i mean one without ammo and hp.

kthx =)


edit: Since you asked nice (plz):

Last edited by morf,



Can anyone plz link me a movie hud ? i mean one without ammo and hp.

kthx =)


edit: Since you asked nice (plz):

taaaaaaaaaaaack! = )


Here is a demo of this player is c@m!, Player of the French team, and Team Origin ‘. I always wanted to exploit his actions, but for the sake of perfection I can not do with a “r_drawviewmodel 0.

I kiss the person who can solve the annoying problem. ;)
edit the settings as you need


Stop using Pendulum and The Prodigy.

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