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elpedro soldier fragmovie.

Created 10th March 2009 @ 08:20

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Don’t be offended by constructive criticism, imo it’s good because you know what to do better next time :)


Yes and what you se in a movie is what you get in real ingame play, are you kidding me??

I released this movie because I wanted to show other players who Iam AND not to satify other players around the world, and it would be nice of you hording to show your super skillz because you think that you are so mush better then both me and many others, And that you even talk about skillz in this forum is obvious pathetic hording.

So do I prove my “skillz” in a damn movie? dont think so.

a movie is in my eyes just for fun, not something you show for prove you ingame “skillz”.

Yes i have over 580 hours with the the soldier wtf has this to do with the movie?
With that said, Love and peace!


“Don’t be offended by constructive criticism, imo it’s good because you know what to do better next time :)”

The thing is I don’t, I want the constructive criticism :)

I stand for what I said before, though this is more of an raging thread that constructive criticism thread ;)

Take care.


And one more thing before I leave this thread for good, I JUST LOVE THIS SHIT :)



Well most people expect to be entertained and not to get to know who you are. That’s the main point with videos. That’s why the constructive criticism you get doesn’t suit you and you try to come up with excuses or counter our opinions. The reason hording (I think) started “raging” (as you apparently call it) at you is because of your stupid counter-arguments.
As for what you said about “proving your skillz”. Once again, a movie is expected to entertain you not to prove skill. Players of any skill level can make videos. Starting an argument about that is completely off-topic, and us who try and get you on the right track are obviously not the ones who started the argument. We gave you tips you didn’t like and for some reason jumped into stupid conclusions. Also not holding your temper and going off at me calling me a kid and telling me to chill out is just stupid and shows your immaturity. I’ll give up on this argument since you obviously can’t handle criticism. Very best of luck with your next video, hope people will see “who you are”, since that your goal.



Nice vid, most kills were nothing speciall to be honest m8, if u want people to see you doing normal kills and not airshots etc while enjoying you should try to collect clips for a few months and pick the best ones out, also you could put in a funny song under a funny part of the vid when ur like shotgunning or shouvleing or what so ever. Just my suggestions tho :) peace out :>



I think many people complain because they are excpecting to see the very best moments and airshots collected in a nice way.
Obviously this wasn’t the intention of this video. Otherwise it would have been completely irrational to add an intro sequence showing the team getting owned and where he had too flee without killing anyone…

Appe did not show any miraculous airshots in his video either, but just an ordinary day at work as soldier. That video was very appreciated by most people. Sure, he played very well anyway, but it shows that you can make a video in many different ways.



feel asleep watching and tbh i couldnt be bothered watching thw rest of it keeps up like this. good idea on paper but not in rl.

gd attempt but remember the intro is everything for keeping people interested.



Iller there are many differences with this and appes vid.



Sure, there are differences. Appes video is much longer for example.
But the main idea seems to be much the same : To present yourself in some typical situations of the game without focusing on some spectacular stuff only.


hahahaha best movie I’ve seen in a long time.. thanks for the laugh


Thanks for the laugh, indeed.

Constructive criticism (or at least trying): Well, you should’ve made it more obvious what you wanted to show with this little vid. And I do question if a five minute video is the best way to give us some depth of how you play all in all. We all kind of expect to see a movie that is entertaining and containing highlights. We didn’t get to see any of that.

-Your intro was boring and pointless.
– Your music was like one of those songs that my mom could sing to get us kids to sleep. Well at least intro music. The rest didn’t fit with that you had to show us.
– The video hasn’t got much dramatic impact. Like we get to see tons of sequences with no action at all. Couple that with other factors, we get a confusing video that’s not that entertaining.

I’m going to watch your trailer soon. So yeah your video wasn’t entertaining, well perhaps in a peripathetic way. What’s more entertaining is your actvity in this thread. You welcome comments and when you don’t get the responses you wanted you go by the lines of “I did it for the lulz. You people really amuse me” and that “it was for deeper purposes than mindless fragging”. This is sad reading, and makes you loose your e-face. Trying to talk down Hording and many others is also very amusing.

I’m looking forward to your next videos.



Not my type of music, but the vid was cool, good editing!

Didn’t mind the blur personally tbh since it was only really apparent for like 5 seconds, would be even better if the scenes were really cut after the music though, imo.

Also, as was said before, maybe a bit less downtime -running around doing nothing for 5-10 seconds- for the next one, rather have a shorter video and keep it more interesting. :)



“Sure, there are differences. Appes video is much longer for example.
But the main idea seems to be much the same : To present yourself in some typical situations of the game without focusing on some spectacular stuff only”

Appe has crazy kills , and crazy killstreaks with like 3-5 kills without dieing VS div 1 Players and not too much walking around on maps. Thats the difference

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