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lawena recording tool

Created 17th May 2011 @ 21:48

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Quoted from Spike Himself


Read the post, the error message says exactly what’s wrong (i.e. it can’t find a file — it even states exactly what file that is).

You don’t need any extensive knowledge on anything (other than reading comprehension, I guess) to get that information from the error message.

it’s not exactly user friendly though is it? you have to sift through a lot of crap to get what you want
also, “batchhandle.exe” sounds like something you shouldn’t mess around with without someone-who-knows-what-they’re-doing’s go-ahead

Spike Himself


Not that I have any idea what that executable is (or what it does) but when a program errors out saying “hey i cant find this file”, literally all you need to do is give it that file..

I suppose if copying files is something that scares you, then perhaps you shouldn’t be using a computer :D

That said lawena is a tool to help lazy people so I guess i’m talking to the wrong audience

Last edited by Spike Himself,



Is there a way to have a medic’s heal target show up on the HUD, even when you’re not looking at them? I assume there’s some sort of command which controls this, but I can’t for the life of me figure out what it is.



i have a bug..i cant see the damage numbers
ive ticked a V in the adv.options in the lawena itself and in tf2..still doesnt work



Quoted from Zangetsu

i have a bug..i cant see the damage numbers
ive ticked a V in the adv.options in the lawena itself and in tf2..still doesnt work

if you are using kill notice in lawena you need to manually install HudDamageAccount for it to work, and probably a font or something.



Does it run on Mac? i hate this shit


I just wanted to use lawena this morning. It did update but then it doesn’t launch and I can’t see why for it did work well a few days before… No error message, no nothing. It just doesn’t launch.

I reinstalled Java but it didn’t change anything. Someone helps pls ?

Last edited by Lithium,



Quoted from Lithium

I just wanted to use lawena this morning. It did update but then it doesn’t launch and I can’t see why for it did work well a few days before… No error message, no nothing. It just doesn’t launch.

I reinstalled Java but it didn’t change anything. Someone helps pls ?

works fine for me


Glad for you.

I’m on Win7 btw.

Dr. Heinz


I sometimes have that when I launched tf2 a while earlier (not launched with lawena, but with my own settings). And when I try it with lawena it just doesnt work. Only thing that helped so far for me was rebooting my pc and then lawena again, without playing tf2 on my own settings.


I also updated my lawena recently but everything’s working fine on my end

Van Vren

I have the same problem.


I tried :

1. Running lawena_noupdate or lawena_old
2. Re downloading and reinstalling lawena 4 + updating
3. Reinstalling java then doing 1 and 2

I have no f****g clue what’s going wrong.



maybe someone know how to solve this problem ?
win7 64 http://i.gyazo.com/844a3f901c558b761bf9b3eeb92e55fa.png


hey sometimes I got this screen too, briefly or not…

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