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lawena recording tool

Created 17th May 2011 @ 21:48

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That won’t disable the viewmodels


If you have the option “disable viewmodel switch” or something on it won’t let you change. Just uncheck it



Quoted from Mits

If you have the option “disable viewmodel switch” or something on it won’t let you change. Just uncheck it


Doesn’t seem to be there? I tried messing with the dropdown box that’s currently set to “Always on” but that didn’t seem to work :(

edit: if it’s any use, when I launch tf2, i get “unknown command: lockviewmodelson / off” in console..

I’m probably just being really retarded, but it’s frustrating! D:

Last edited by beach,


Quoted from beach



Doesn’t seem to be there? I tried messing with the dropdown box that’s currently set to “Always on” but that didn’t seem to work :(

edit: if it’s any use, when I launch tf2, i get “unknown command: lockviewmodelson / off” in console..

I’m probably just being really retarded, but it’s frustrating! D:

Have you tried it at default and then disabling it in-game?

Last edited by dellort,



Yes, but when I tried it, I had r_drawviewmodel 1 in all my class .cfgs..wondering if that had anything to do with it now.

Will try without..

edit: nope, still stuck there.

i mean tbh i know smooths aren’t essential, and PLDX still works for any 6v6 games (just not on pl maps or anything with a setup time), but they still look pretty :(

Last edited by beach,

Mr. Cr0ss

Quoted from beach

I’d use PLDX instead, but that crashes if I’m trying to record badwater / any map with a setup time… :|

same here


Every time I load the demo i get hl2.exe has stopped working any fixes?



Quoted from Maks

Every time I load the demo i get hl2.exe has stopped working any fixes?

None yet



Using the hudless (with kill notices) option I get cap points appearing when people start capping. It happens on PLDX too I believe.


Im having the same problem, and since im lazy i have to cover it somehow on the clips :<


http://teamfortress.tv/forum/thread/3518-updated-fixed-lawena-recording-toolpossible fix, haven’t tried it myself though



Hey hey, seems lawena is having a bit of a problem. When I record clips, I can record one fine, and then every time I record a second clip, tf2 crashes to desktop with no error…makes it very annoying to record 3 / 4 clips at a time because I have to keep restarting tf2!

Anyone else had this problem / got a solution?


Dr. Heinz


Is there any way to record with having the damage markers, crosshair and kill notices, but not having the intelligence pointer and the controlpoint showing up when capped? Can you do that in Lawena, or is there a command to remove them?


Hey, downloaded it and it just won’t run, any idea why?



Got a strange problem where it’s not really launching the max quality config, as I still have the low quality textures and no ragdolls or gibs.

Tried having a little Google but couldn’t find much, certain its a small fix.

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